NZ Lifestyle Block

Sarah’s tips for preventing bloat


• Add a probiotic of a nongas producing bacteria (eg Bifidobact­erium animalis – avoid using acidophilu­s yogurt) to milk. Also a good option if an animal has had antibiotic­s, to help repopulate the gut with 'good' bacteria.

• Yogurtise milk to reduce the risk of abomasal bloat – note, it's safe to use acidophilu­s yoghurt in this process.

• Mimic the ewe: keep feeds small and frequent, and wean by reducing the volume and number of feeds.

• Practice good hand-rearing techniques: be hygienic, feed milk at the right temperatur­e, don't have the teat opening too big (so milk doesn't come out too fast).

• Vaccinate early, using a broadspect­rum vaccine. Newer 10-in-1 vaccines cover some bacterial species that may cause bloat.

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