NZ Lifestyle Block

Hedgerows for health


Planting hedgerows in a flock's free range area may help certain chicken breeds to grow faster, and increase their immune response to better enable them to fight off pathogens.

A research team from Oregon State University (OSU) bought 80 Cornish cross and 80 Red ranger broiler chicks. Half of each breed had access to pasture with a hedgerow, and half had no access to a hedgerow.

The researcher­s tracked two main factors:

• rate of growth, which was measured by weekly weigh-ins;

• immune response, measured by looking at white blood cell counts from weekly blood samples.

Cornish crosses with access to a hedgerow showed a modest increase in the speed of growth; Red rangers showed a slightly improved immune response.

The researcher­s hypothesiz­ed the improvemen­t in weight gain was thanks to the decrease in heat stress due to extra shade. With the Red rangers' immune response, they believe it's possibly because they were eating more insects and plant matter in the hedgerow.

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