NZ Performance Car



NZ Performanc­e Car : Hey, Alex, sweet Crown. What was your first car?

Alex: It was a Honda Civic with the mighty VTEC-E! Rubbish power, but very economical, so it was perfect for a student at the time.

And how did you end up owning the Crown?

I imported it through my company, Moonlight Racing, and wanted to learn how to adjust and use the factory air suspension. It was a hard decision between this shape and the UCF31 Celsior, as they’re both pretty similar underneath. It just so happened that the auction I won on the day was the Majesta.

Both great choices. How did you go modifing the air ride?

It was easy, I installed a Data Systems height controller, which intrercept­s the signal between the factory air ECU and the height sensors, it allows me to adjust the height via the hand controller.

You’ve also become known locally as a purveyor of the VIP style; what is it about VIP cars that you like most?

I just love the presence the cars have when rolling into a car park or just cruising down the street. All sorts of people check the car out, and I’ve had many compliment­s from those you wouldn’t normally expect to receive them from for this sort of thing.

And where do you draw most of your inspiratio­n from?

It has to be Japan, as nowhere else really modifies them like the Japanese do. It’s not too difficult to make VIP cars look good, though — just keep it clean and simple.

While it’s the definition of a cruiser, what’s it like as a daily-driver?

It makes an awesome daily-driver, having all the luxuries you can expect, and, with the air suspension, the ride is very comfortabl­e.

No doubt. Thanks for sharing her with us, Alex.

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