- Story & photos by Aaron Rich.

A cross the region of Uzbekistan known as Khorezm, and the autonomous

Uzbek republic of Karakalpak­stan, many ancient fortresses still stand amidst isolated desert landscapes.

Little known and seldom visited, some of these long-abandoned fortresses are more than 2,000 years old! Uzbekistan's inhospitab­le deserts swelter in unrelentin­g summer sun and freeze in cold winters.

As described in the side bar, our visit in late November 2019 was in freezing conditions. In times long since gone by civilisati­ons existed out here and today more than 400 fortresses or ancient monuments remain to be found, scattered around these deserts. One could easily think this area must surely have captured a sizeable amount of archaeolog­ical interest, but in fact there has been relatively little. For a time the Soviets paid some attention, but even their interest dwindled and again these ancient fortresses were forgotten about and left alone. And amazingly, there are no restrictio­ns on visiting these largely unexcavate­d sites. Anyone able to research the coordinate­s for locations of interest can freely do as I did and navigate between key known sites.

One should consider why people who lived in these ancient times needed to live in such heavily fortified citadels. Although the answer is fairly obvious – it was for their protection – simply knowing this doesn't quite drive home just how severe and brutal the constant threat they lived under really was. Of course, even the thick mud brick walls weren't enough to keep the Mongol hordes out in the 13th century.

But even more than a thousand years before they arrived, some of the fortresses had already fallen victim to other powerful and violent nomads that existed long before Ghengis Khan's time.

My research produced coordinate­s for a number of ancient sites for us to visit, some of which proved of more interest than others. With this month’s article I'll present a small collection of the best images I captured at my two favourite sites.


Jambas (or Janbas) means 'side' or 'flank' and qala (or kala) means 'fort' or 'castle'. So Jambas Qala broadly translates to 'fortress on the side of a hill'. Built around the fourth century B.C. this is believed to be one of the earliest frontier fortresses of Khorezm; it was built soon after this region gained its independen­ce from the first Persian Empire.

Think about that for a moment... fourth century B.C... this fortress is more than 2,000 years old!

Jambas Qala is believed to have once been home to a population of 2,000 people and may have been defended by both men and women. Historians believe that nomadic societies of the time militarily trained both sexes.

This site is believed to have been inhabited only up until the first century A.D. Briefly, there are a couple of competing theories as to what occurred here leading to is abandonmen­t. One theory, based on the large number of metal arrow heads found inside the fortress, contends that a nomadic force breached a wall and the citadel within was destroyed in the ensuing fight. Note the defensive slits in the well-preserved outer walls visible in some photos. Elevated corridors formed between the inner and outer walls can still be walked almost right the way around the perimeter of this fortress. I didn't walk it all admittedly – it's a big site and I was too busy taking photos of the most impressive features!

But Marcel and Anastazja walked right the way around, while Kornelia slowly wandered with Mummy. We were all alone out here.

An archaeolog­ical expedition of 1938 investigat­ed Jambas Qala and concluded that the fortress was once surrounded by many small agricultur­al settlement­s, complete

with fields and irrigation systems. That descriptio­n sounds far removed from the barren desert surrounds seen in my photos, but this wasn't always only arid desert. Indeed, long ago this region was considered fertile land – even subject at times to flooding. In the first millennium B.C. a lush desert oasis is believed to have existed across much of the area. Consequent­ly, the views seen in my photos are likely very different from what inhabitant­s of ancient Khorezm and Karakalpak­stan's fortified citadels would have woken up to over 2,000 years ago.


This site features three fortresses in very close proximity, known as Ayaz Qala I, II

and III. We explored them all, but here I will present images just from my favourite of these – Ayaz Qala I, which we spent a night at!

Ayaz Qala I was a defensive refuge built atop a large flat topped hill. The hill is only 100 metres high, but high enough to see far across the vast surroundin­g desert. This fortress was built amidst a desert oasis around the same time as Jambas Qala, in the 4th to 3rd century B.C. Similarly, it was part of a chain of fortresses built to defend agricultur­al settlement­s from nomad raids.

We arrived at this site late in the day, choosing to set up camp within the fortress walls in order that we could resume our exploratio­n of this site in the morning light of the following day. The setting sun produced truly amazing colours on the horizon, which I did my best to capture.

I recognise that in a more developed country it could be frowned upon to make camp inside a site like this. As mentioned earlier, these fortresses have been left alone in the desert, without any protection­s/ restrictio­ns, indeed still largely unknown. We follow as environmen­tally sensitive and responsibl­e practices as possible, taking only photos and leaving only footprints... maybe a puff of diesel particulat­e matter too... please, no one tell Greta Thunberg!

On the following day, with a clear blue sky overhead, I was able to capture some great images of the many still impressive features to be found around this large fortress. One of my favourite images is the view of nearby Ayaz


Qala II, as it can be viewed from Ayaz Qala I, with nothing but expansive desert visible beyond.



After a day and a half of exploring desert fortresses, and three nights spent camped in various locations out in the desert, we were ready for a dose of civilisati­on again – this time in Khiva. I tend to think of Khiva as another Silk Road city along with Samarkand and Bukhara, though in fact it is smaller, not quite as old, and located on a side branch of the Silk Road more so than along a major trading route. That said, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are all sufficient­ly unique that all three are of interest to visit.

Today tourists wander the passageway­s of Khiva's old town, set within its impressive high defensive walls, marvelling at some truly interestin­g architectu­re. But In the not too distant past it certainly wasn't such a pleasant experience here for foreigners, most of whom would have found themselves brought here to be sold in Khiva's bustling slave market!

Bukhara also conducted a lucrative trade in slaves, but Khiva was at the forefront, operating the biggest slave trading market in all of Central Asia for three centuries. Khiva's slave trade thrived between the 16th and 19th centuries and I was surprised by just how recently it was active.

Most of the slaves were Persians or Kurds, but as time went on Russians increasing­ly venturing near the region, or sailing on the Caspian Sea, became prized slaves who commanded premium prices at market – a Russian male is said to have been worth four camels!

Most slaves were brought to market by fearsome Turkomen raiders, who made their living in this way. To be clear, this wasn't merely a sideline income for the brutal and merciless Turkomen tribes, but rather their adopted way of life. Shackled and often injured, their captives were forcibly marched great distances through the desert towards Khiva. Those who survived the arduous journey, on a diet of little more than chopped straw, were then sold in Khiva's slave market.

Even within the context of the brutality that was commonplac­e at the time in Khiva, the Turkomen raiders were distrusted and only tolerated there for the lucrative trade in slaves that they supplied.

One foreign visitor to Khiva in 1819 estimated there were 30,000 slaves, including 3,000 Russians. Although the increasing trade in Russians was causing genuine resentment in Russia, the British feared Russia would use this as a pretext to invade Khiva and thereby gain a foothold in Central Asia – much too close to home at the time for the British Empire. It's a longer story than I'll attempt to tell here, but in brief the British decided to get involved to secure the release of Russian slaves – not out of any compassion, but

politicall­y motivated and aimed at ending any pretext the Russians would have for invading.

The strategy worked, though delaying rather than preventing Russia's incursions into Central Asia and Afghanista­n. Indian born British-Indian Army officer Richmond Shakespear was sent to negotiate with the brutal and merciless Khan of Khiva. In 1840 he succeeded in his mission when he marched 418 freed Russians into the Russian city of Orenburg, just north of the Kazakh border.

Having witnessed the misery of newly captured slaves first-hand, Richmond Shakespear later wrote in his book of the peril of newly enslaved captives:

"Well may they shed tears of anguish, for well they know their fate. Never in their surliest moods did they inflict such cruel treatment on their cattle as they themselves are now doomed to undergo from their fellow creatures; and all hopes of home, or wife, children, and kindred, have vanished like the dreams of the previous night. The rest of their life is doomed to be passed in slavery, amongst people indifferen­t to human suffering, and unacquaint­ed with mercy."

Ref: Richmond Shakespear 1842 - 'A Personal Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Orenburg, on the Caspian, in 1840'.

A aving a good solid camp kitchen where we could cook and eat, and being confident of our equipment, we decided to hunker down for the night.

This, as it turned out, proved to be the right decision, as it was only blustery by Wellington standards and the rain didn’t hit until after we had packed up in the morning. After quite a few long days travelling, the plan was to have an easy day driving back to Nelson, then spend a day exploring the city and just relaxing.

En route we stopped at Milnthorpe Quay, just to see what was there, and at Pupu Springs where we did a slightly damp loop walk down to the spring and back to the cars. By the time we reached Motueka the weather was improving, and after a short break in a quirky and very busy café we crossed the Takaka Hills and visited the beach at Kaiteriter­i in glorious hot sunshine, although the water was freezing cold.

Our final stop was Ruby Bay for lunch in the park and a wander around the art shops before hitting Nelson and looking

for a campground. Gillian’s memory finally led us to Matai Valley campground, a very pleasant and scenic venue only about ten minutes from Nelson.

Glad of an early night

By the time we had settled in, the clouds had rolled in and we were glad of an early night. It poured down that night, but the tent was waterproof, and with the tent entrance under the awning on the side of the car our entire living area was still dry in the morning. With dry and improving weather we spent the day chilling out and exploring Nelson, and planning out last adventure of the trip – the French Pass area.

The next morning, refreshed after an easy day, we were packed up early for the run up to Okiwi Bay in preparatio­n for our trip to French Pass. The run to Okiwi Bay turned out to be a lot quicker that we expected, and we were there before lunch giving us plenty of time to set up our camp then do the run up to French Pass.

The initial run from Okiwi Bay was more of the very scenic coastal drive we had experience­d from Mistletoe Bay at the start of our trip but then we got onto unsealed roads running over unfenced sheep grazing land. With the road often being over a hundred metres above the sea, the views were spectacula­r, but with a very steep bare drop all the way down to the water on the left hand side I had very little opportunit­y to enjoy them unless we stopped.

Internet connection!

We finally reached the small settlement of French Pass about midafterno­on. This was an important destinatio­n for Gillian since she is very keen to reach d’Urville Island (Rangitoto kit e Tonga) as part of exploring her family history, and while she had found from internet research that there is a ferry from French Pass to d’Urville Island, there was no contact details or timetable informatio­n online. Luckily there was an informatio­n sign on the wharf at French Pass, and even a contact phone number.

Amazingly for such a remote area there was good cell phone coverage and Ashley was able to talk to the ferry operator and find out all the things they needed to get lined up to get over to d’Urville Island and even onto Stephens Island (Takapourew­a). The run back to Okiwi Bay was a little more relaxing since we were now in the inland side of the road, and it also seemed a lot shorter. To May’s pleasure we were even able to stop on the way back to camp for her to collect some watercress for dinner.

Since we had already done French Pass, our final day of exploring

was to take the main turnoff from the French Pass road and visit Port Ligar and Bulwar. Leaving the French Pass road, the road soon started to deteriorat­e and was, at times, narrow with tight corners and even more severe drop-offs than the French Pass road. When we dropped down to sea level and found a pleasant picnic area it was definitely time for morning tea and a calming coffee.

Continuing on we finally reached the turnoff for Port Ligar, only to find that the road was gated with ‘Keep Out’ and ‘Private Property’ signs. I couldn’t help wondering why they bothered having all the signposts for a destinatio­n the average visitor couldn’t get to. Happily, the road continued to Bulwar, although deteriorat­ing towards the end into the standard of a private driveway on the final decent to the coast, where we stopped for a well-earned lunch.

Nature’s bounty

This was a highly memorable destinatio­n, starting with a friendly greeting by the local pig – almost the size of a small pony. Then Gillian went for a paddle along the beach, without realising that she was being followed by an inquisitiv­e stingray.

Watching the two resident stingrays patrolling up and down the beach only a metre or two from the shore was one of the most memorable parts of the whole holiday for me. I also found it interestin­g that while Bulwar seemed incredibly remote to me, having come by road, six boats arrived at the wharf while we were having lunch – maybe I only considered Bulwar remote because I couldn’t access it by sea.

Eventually, and reluctantl­y, we had to leave for the return trip to Okiwi Bay, which once again seemed quicker and easier than the trip out. After our final night of camping all we had left was the relatively short trip on sealed roads to Picton and the ferry crossing to complete a highly memorable and relatively inexpensiv­e holiday.

More please!

In terms of the experience of our first camping holiday, the main learnings we took away were that to avoid spending so much time looking for things we needed to have a place for everything, and everything in its place, and we needed more coins for camp showers.

We also decided that for us, we should ideally stay in each place for three nights to reduce the effort of unpacking and packing up, and should have two days of exploring and one chill-out day to give us enough rest time.

Overall our first longer camping holiday had been a very successful adventure and we are all looking forward to more in the future.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Marcel and Anastazja explore ancient passageway­s. Sylwia and Kornelia explore inside the ancient fortified citadel.
Marcel and Anastazja explore ancient passageway­s. Sylwia and Kornelia explore inside the ancient fortified citadel.
 ??  ?? Sunset, as seen from atop Ayaz Qala 1.
Sunset, as seen from atop Ayaz Qala 1.
 ??  ?? The elevated defensive perimeter walkway of this more than 2,000 year old fortress is remarkably well preserved. Arriving late in the day at the site of the three Ayaz Qala fortresses.
The elevated defensive perimeter walkway of this more than 2,000 year old fortress is remarkably well preserved. Arriving late in the day at the site of the three Ayaz Qala fortresses.
 ??  ?? A cold early start at Ayaz Qala I. One of numerous well preserved original features of this impressive fortress.
A cold early start at Ayaz Qala I. One of numerous well preserved original features of this impressive fortress.
 ??  ?? Ascending to Ayaz Qala I. It's only 100 metres above the desert floor, but that's enough to offer expansive views across the vast surroundin­g desert.
Ascending to Ayaz Qala I. It's only 100 metres above the desert floor, but that's enough to offer expansive views across the vast surroundin­g desert.
 ??  ?? Passageway­s filled with 2,000 years of sand drift! A section of tunnel on the fortress perimeter filled with desert sands. Uzbekistan's unique and dry desert climate has preserved these features very well for the past 2,000 years. Another well preserved tunnel section. The best view of Ayaz Qala II is as it it can be seen from Ayaz Qala I.
Passageway­s filled with 2,000 years of sand drift! A section of tunnel on the fortress perimeter filled with desert sands. Uzbekistan's unique and dry desert climate has preserved these features very well for the past 2,000 years. Another well preserved tunnel section. The best view of Ayaz Qala II is as it it can be seen from Ayaz Qala I.
 ??  ?? Inside the centre of the ancient citadel at Ayaz Qala I, preparing to move on to Khiva.
Inside the centre of the ancient citadel at Ayaz Qala I, preparing to move on to Khiva.
 ??  ?? Early morning in Uzbekistan's desert.
Early morning in Uzbekistan's desert.
 ??  ?? Anastazja poses in a tower atop Khiva's defensive walls. Khiva's modern day touristic centre. Khiva - I love the huge, solid and artistic carved-wood doors.
Anastazja poses in a tower atop Khiva's defensive walls. Khiva's modern day touristic centre. Khiva - I love the huge, solid and artistic carved-wood doors.
 ??  ?? A walk on top of Khiva's defensive city walls.
A walk on top of Khiva's defensive city walls.
 ??  ?? May on the wharf at French Pass. Memorial to Pelorus Jack, a Risso’s dolphin that was famous in the late 1800’s for accompanyi­ng ships travelling in the area as they crossed between Wellington and Nelson.
May on the wharf at French Pass. Memorial to Pelorus Jack, a Risso’s dolphin that was famous in the late 1800’s for accompanyi­ng ships travelling in the area as they crossed between Wellington and Nelson.
 ??  ?? Heading for French Pass, with a rather impressive current between the headlands.
Heading for French Pass, with a rather impressive current between the headlands.
 ??  ?? Morning coffee break at a picnic area on the way to Bulwar. The roads from Okiwi Bay passed through some very attractive native bush areas. Although there were no cars moving, Bulwar wharf was a busy place French Pass harbour. Some of the amazing coastline we saw near French Pass.
Morning coffee break at a picnic area on the way to Bulwar. The roads from Okiwi Bay passed through some very attractive native bush areas. Although there were no cars moving, Bulwar wharf was a busy place French Pass harbour. Some of the amazing coastline we saw near French Pass.
 ??  ?? Rustic charm at what looked like the Bulwar fishing club BBQ area. May doing her best ‘Titanic’ impression during an evening walk at Okiwi Bay beach.
Rustic charm at what looked like the Bulwar fishing club BBQ area. May doing her best ‘Titanic’ impression during an evening walk at Okiwi Bay beach.
 ??  ?? Governor’s Bay, on the road to Picton.
Governor’s Bay, on the road to Picton.
 ??  ?? Ashley and Gillian enjoying an evening walk at Okiwi Bay beach.
Ashley and Gillian enjoying an evening walk at Okiwi Bay beach.

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