
In the language of Mercedes-benz, the GL letters denote an SUV and the last letter the platform on which it is based, thus the GLA is a small SUV based on the excellent A-class platform. Available in 2WD (front) for the 180 and 220d and AWD for the 250 and the AMG, all GLA’S come with a seven-speed automatic (Speedshift on the AMG) and Mercedes-benz proven fuel saver the ECO start Stop system. Beyond these shared features, HYHU\ YHKLFOH LQ WKH */$ UDQJH LV ORJLFDOO\ VSHFLƓHG ZHOO HTXLSSHG DQG XQFRPSURPL­VLQJ ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR quality engineerin­g.

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