Otago Daily Times

$140,000 approved for buffer zone

- By PAM JONES pam.jones@odt.co.nz

THE Cromwell Community Board has approved funding of $140,000 to landscape a buffer zone along McNulty Rd.

Board members heard at this week’s meeting the landscapin­g was required through a clause in the sale and purchase agreement for land along the southern boundary of the Gair Estate subdivisio­n.

The board had sold some land to Horton Developmen­ts Ltd, and through the sale and purchase agreement was required to landscape a buffer zone between residentia­l and industrial zones.

It approved $140,000 funding from the Cromwell Reserve Contributi­ons Account for the landscapin­g. The work will include regrassing, planting, irrigation installati­on, constructi­on of a 50cmwide asphalt path from Gair Ave to McNulty Rd and installati­on of 10cm ducts for the provision of future lighting, if needed.

A new 20year lease has been approved for the Central Otago Sports Turf Trust’s hockey turf in Cromwell. The previous 20year lease expired this year. The new lease is for an expanded area of 7566sq m that will include the new hockey pavilion, warmup area, water tank for the wet turf, pump shed and dugouts on the south side of the turf.

A new lease for land in the pines near Cromwell used by Paintball Central has been approved, but with different terms from those sought by Paintball Central. The business had sought two terms of five years, but CCB members said that was too long, especially considerin­g an upcoming district plan review. Instead, they approved a lease of five years, comprising a guaranteed period of three years, and then the remaining two years to allow either party to cancel the lease with six months’ notice. A right of renewal for another five years with a six month outclause has also been granted.

The board granted $1600 to the Little Box of Operas to pay for hall hire, piano tuning, cast fees and musical director fees for an upcoming production. The money will come from the Cromwell promotions budget.

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