Otago Daily Times

Readers’ differing views on Maori issues


THE Weekend Mix feature on Prof John Broughton and iwi relationsh­ips with royalty (ODT, 3.6.17) was illuminati­ng and confirmed that iwi leaders feel they have much in common with the British royals.

Status by accident of birth, privilege entrenched in an antique and hiearchica­l system that sustains class distinctio­n and a society peopled with a minority of haves and a majority of havenots.

In New Zealand the latter are largely among Maori. At a time when social and economic inequality is at its worst in over 80 years, we need more democracy and independen­ce from past practice and fewer plutocrati­c attitudes rooted in 200yearold politics.

Philip Temple

Dunedin REGARDING I. Williams’ letter (ODT, 5.6.17). He begins by referring to ‘‘partMaori partPakeha citizens’’ as ‘‘laughable, nay, almost pathetic’’, in their desires to identify themselves as Maori. He also goes on to claim that a tiny european nation came and conquered and then made every effort to ensure the wellbeing and survival of ‘‘said native persons’’. What, may I ask, does wellbeing and survival mean then, to Mr Williams?

And for what length of time is this wellbeing and survival of said native persons permitted to carry on for? A laughable, albeit tired and worn out antimony that betrays an ignorance steeped in I. Williams’ false sense of entitlemen­t and an utter contempt for socalled, ‘‘said native persons’’. Morgan Nathan

St Clair WHEN reading I. Williams’ letter, I began to wonder why there are not more letters like this on the subject of Maori privilege. Why haven’t the media taken up this issue and kept the population informed as to what is going on quietly in the background?

In education a commitment to bicultural­ism and ‘‘cultural competency’’ is about to become mandatory in our schools through a new code of conduct proposed by the Education Council that is due to come into force on July 1. So, the next generation will be indoctrina­ted into bicultural­ism. Is this what the country wants? Have we given a mandate for this to happen? Do we care?

Annette Wale

Wellington ...................................

BIBLE READING: I have installed my King on Zion, My holy mountain. — Psalms 2.6.

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