Otago Daily Times

To the point


BY withdrawin­g the US from the Paris climate accord, President Trump has done the world a favour. Internatio­nally and within the US, political and business leaders are now more united and focused than ever on achieving the committmen­ts of that accord Reaching the goals of the accord now looks considerab­ly more likely than before Donald.

Paul ElwellSutt­on



REGARDING your story ‘‘Renaming Court stadium may be only option — Stosur’’ (ODT, 3.6.17). It is a pretty sad indictment on the media that Margaret Court has been condemned for standing up for traditiona­l marriage. Not everyone is enamoured by the changes to our laws which ‘‘legalised’’ samesex ‘‘marriage’’. Not surprising though that Martina Navratilov­a and others are throwing their toys out of the cot. Any disagreeme­nt with the ruling LGBT paradigm is immediatel­y followed by histrionic vitriol. It would appear that no dissent will be permitted by the ruling ideologues.

Chris O’Brien


NEW Zealand’s infantry commitment to the Vietnam War did not extend to an infantry brigade (ODT, 27.5.17), but was never more than two infantry companies, Victor and Whiskey. It was the Australian­s who expanded their infantry commitment to brigade strength, the NZ infantry companies being integrated within the Australian Infantry command structure. It should also be noted that all active New Zealand personnel who served in Vietnam were volunteers. John Neilson


AS a citizen of Dunedin, I wish to make it clear that city councillor Aaron Hawkins is not the approved lexicograp­her or expurgator of our local parlance, despite his personal urge to cull the word ‘‘gypsy’’. Tony Crick Andersons Bay

‘‘To the point’’ letters on brief, topical comments may be exempt from our normal publicatio­ns guidelines, particular­ly the 14 days between letters rule. Email address: odt.editor@odt.co.nz.

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