Otago Daily Times

Battle may be won, but war far from over

- WORLD VIEW GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t London journalist.

THE shooting was still going on down by the river last week when Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider alAbadi dropped by and prematurel­y declared the battle for Mosul was over. He was misled by the various Iraqi army, police and militia units who were competing with one another to declare victory first, but now it really is over — and there is little left of Mosul.

The siege began on October 17 last year, so it lasted nine months — longer than the Battle of Stalingrad. It probably killed more civilians, too, because the USled air forces were used to compensate for the shortage of trained and motivated Iraqi ground forces.

Individual Islamic State snipers were regularly taken out by air strikes that levelled entire buildings. Life is returning to some of the eastbank suburbs that were retaken last year, but there is nothing to go back to in the oldest part of the city on the west bank, where IS made its last stand. And the level of destructio­n has been almost as high in a lot of other cities.

The Sunni Arab communitie­s of Iraq and Syria are shattered and scattered. The mixed SunniShia neighbourh­oods of Baghdad were mostly ‘‘cleansed’’ of their Sunni residents in the civil war of 200608. Even Sunnimajor­ity cities in Iraq that were taken back from IS a couple of years ago, like Ramadi and Fallujah, are still largely deserted, with few signs of reconstruc­tion.

Not many of the estimated 900,000 people in refugee camps around Mosul, almost all Sunni Arabs, will be going home soon either. And in Syria, the eastern side of Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city, fell last December after a fouryear siege. It now contains a few tens of thousands of people rattling around in the ruins.

Raqqa, IS’ capital in Syria, will be largely destroyed in the next few months, and after that it will be the turn of DeiresZor. The calamity that began in 2003, when the US invasion of Iraq overthrew the centuriesl­ong Sunni rule over a mostly Shia country, has reached its final phase.

There can be no comeback for the Sunni Arabs of Iraq, who only make up onefifth of the country’s 36 million people.

They have been ruined by their long complicity with Sunni minority rule of the country, first under the Turkish empire, latterly under Sunni tyrants like Saddam Hussein, and finally by their reluctant, desperate support for IS. Some, maybe most, will remain in the country, but not as equal citizens.

The Sunni Arabs of Syria will not suffer the same fate, for they are fully 60% of that country’s population, but their current situation is appalling. They were very unwise to throw their lot in with IS and al Qaeda — which most of the Sunni fighters in Syria did in the end, though it is impolitic to say so in public — and they are now paying a heavy price for that mistake.

In the longer run, however, Syria’s Sunni Arab majority will have to be reintegrat­ed into the general society. It isn’t impossible: millions of urban Sunnis never fought against the regime anyway, regarding their mostly rural fellow Sunnis who fell for the jihadi fantasy as severely misguided.

There’s at least another year’s fighting against IS and al Qaedalinke­d forces in Syria before reconcilia­tion can even begin. There may be much more than a year’s fighting before the Kurds are subjugated again in Syria and Turkey.

They are out of the box now, controllin­g almost all of the Kurdishmaj­ority parts of northern Syria and many rural areas in southeaste­rn Turkey. Since Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan restarted the war against Turkey’s Kurds two years ago, they have even taken control of some parts of the Kurdishmaj­ority big cities in the southeast — and bits of them look like Syria’s devastated cities.

As for Iraq’s Kurds, it may prove impossible to put them back in the box at all. Thanks to the collapse of the Iraqi army three years ago, when IS overran much of the country in a fortnight, the Kurdish Regional Government now rules over all the traditiona­lly Kurdish areas of Iraq. It is effectivel­y an independen­t country, and it has scheduled a referendum for September to make that official.

Iraq’s government will fight that, of course, but unless the United States is willing to bomb the Kurds the way it bombed IS, Baghdad is unlikely to win. The Iraqi army couldn’t even have retaken Mosul without the lavish use of US air power.

Washington is much more likely to betray the Syrian Kurds, but unless it does, they, too, will probably manage to keep their de facto state within a nominally reunited Syria. (Turkey would be happy to crush them for free, but the Syrian regime and its Russian and Iranian backers would certainly veto that.)

So there’s lots of fighting left to be done, and lots of opportunit­ies yet for the United States and Russia to stumble into a confrontat­ion. Stay tuned.

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Homeless . . . A refugee camp in Mosul, Iraq, this week.
PHOTO: REUTERS Homeless . . . A refugee camp in Mosul, Iraq, this week.
 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Devastated . . . A view of Mosul’s old city last month.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Devastated . . . A view of Mosul’s old city last month.
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