Otago Daily Times

Nothing fresh about Labour’s approach

- CHRIS TROTTER A Chris Trotter is editor of the New Zealand Political Review.

LEFTLEANIN­G voters looking for a good reason to vote Green should take a look at Labour’s latest campaign ad. When the video arrived in my inbox, I was almost too scared to open it. I wasn’t expecting much but, depressing­ly, Labour managed to deliver less. If this is the best the party’s highfaluti­n Aussie ad agency can do, then the sooner they’re sent packing back across the Tasman the better!

A while back, someone let slip that Andrew Little had been taking acting lessons. Three words: Waste. Of. Money. To call Mr Little’s performanc­e wooden would be an insult to the vibrant living entities we call trees. Do Labour’s Aussie ad men not know that the best way to make any human being look awkward is to ask them to act natural?

Have they never seen the celebrated paid political broadcast produced for the British Conservati­ve Party? The agency was asked to introduce John Major to the electorate. So, they put the prime minister in the back of a car, set the cameras rolling, and drove him past his childhood home. The look on Mr Major’s face; his priceless emotional response; humanised Maggie Thatcher’s grey successor in one, perfect, cinematic moment. What made the sequence so compelling was its unscripted authentici­ty.

Unfortunat­ely, authentici­ty is the quality Labour’s video most conspicuou­sly lacks. It’s as though Labour’s campaign committee brainstorm­ed for hours on Mr Little’s positive qualities and then turned everything they’d scribbled on the whiteboard into his script. Whoever told Mr Little to deliver the line, ‘‘as a former cancer patient’’, should be told to seek alternativ­e employment!

The most jarring aspect of the video, however, is the way it exploits poor Jacinda Ardern. Every few seconds she appears, without any discernibl­e narrative purpose, smiling brightly at Mr Little’s side. It’s as if, at some point during the final edit, the production team suddenly remembered the video was supposed to promote the LittleArde­rn partnershi­p. ‘‘Quick! someone track down those Andrew and Jacinda smileathon­s we recorded!’’ If that’s not the explanatio­n, then I shudder to think what is.

And then there’s the tag line: ‘‘A Fresh Approach for New Zealand.’’

Labour’s former finance minister, Michael Cullen, was fond of regaling audiences with what he liked to call Kiwis’ ‘‘beach cricket approach to politics’’. As in: ‘‘Aw, come on Helen, you’ve had the bat for ages. Don’t you think it’s time to give someone else a go?’’ Labour’s 2017 slogan comes perilously close to validating Sir Michael’s insight. There should be a better reason for voting Labour than the fact National’s getting a bit stale.

What a pity the New Zealand Labour Party hasn’t been able to snare an Aussie creative director like Paul Jones. His 1972 campaign ad for the Australian Labor Party, ‘‘It’s time!’’, featured Alison McCallum belting out the party’s campaign song with what appeared to be the whole of Australia joining in. It was a classic of its kind — and well worth checking out on YouTube!

The problem, of course, is that to make an ad like that work, you have to have something — and someone — to sell.

Jones had Gough Whitlam. And, if I may paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen’s famous putdown of Dan Quayle in the 1988 US vice presidenti­al debate: ‘‘I remember Gough Whitlam. And, Mr Little, you’re no Gough Whitlam!’’ Or Norman Kirk, for that matter.

Someone should remind Mr Little and his team of what happened to their Canadian equivalent, the New Democratic Party, in 2015. Its leader, Thomas Mulcair, was so determined to be a ‘‘strong and stable’’ alternativ­e prime minister that he persuaded the NDP to jettison everything even remotely radical or inspiring from its manifesto. Justin Trudeau, whose Liberals had been counted out of the race, saw the opening and seized his chance.

Following the inspiratio­nal performanc­e of Metiria Turei, at last weekend’s Green Party AGM, there is now a real risk that Labour’s putative junior coalition partner could steal a march very similar to Mr Trudeau’s. Never has the New Zealand Left been in such a state of flux. Ms Turei’s passionate declaratio­n: ‘‘We will not be a government that uses poverty as a weapon against its own people’’ is the sort of statement that changes minds.

If Andrew Little’s Labour Party refuses to stand with the poor, the marginalis­ed and the downtrodde­n, then what, exactly, is its ‘‘fresh approach’’ supposed to deliver?

❛ There should be a better reason for voting Labour than the fact National’s getting a bit


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