Otago Daily Times

Tilting at windmills


THE longrunnin­g saga of a Blueskin Bay wind farm is riven with disappoint­ment. What began with good intentions and hopedfor environmen­tal benefits has turned sour.

Turbines on Porteous Hill have been opposed by many, and the Environmen­t Court has agreed the latest proposal, for a single turbine, would be in a ‘‘highly memorable’’ place and would have significan­t adverse effects on landscape and visual effects and the value of existing amenities.

The Environmen­t Court upheld the Dunedin City Council planning decision on the matter and, if no appeal is lodged with the High Court, this is certainly the end of the road for that site.

There have been many, including and notably wind farm coordinato­r Scott Willis, who have put thousands of hours and uncountabl­e thought and emotion into the project. Their disap pointment and frustratio­n must be intense.

Opponents, however, say common sense has prevailed. A representa­tive from the Blueskin Amenity and Landscape Society, formed in opposition to the wind farm, has said it was time for the Blueskin Resilient Communitie­s Trust to say enough was enough.

The trust had its origins in the community response to the 2006 flood in Waitati, and, from 2008, the wind farm idea began. At that time, Mr Willis said he was amazed at the will in the community to get things done.

Many meetings were held, and by 2011 and 2012 it was hoped that if the community could get the scheme right, it could be just one of many community wind turbine clusters around the region and the country.

Originally, it was hoped the wind farm could provide cheaper electricit­y for locals. Given the complexiti­es of the grid and electricit­y system, this was not possible, and the idea morphed into the project supplying the national grid and profits being returned to the community. Some of the local support would have dropped off at that point.

Unless Blueskin Electricit­y Ltd can find another site, and anywhere else could easily raise the ire of those living nearby, the future for the plan looks bleak, as does the prospect of any similar projects in other places for the same reasons.

The communitie­s around Blueskin Bay are renowned for their environmen­tal consciousn­ess. If the plan would work anywhere, it might have been expected to have succeeded in this area.

But good intentions are not enough. This country has planning laws under the Resource Management Act, and that allows for opposition to be heard. That disapprova­l is then tested at the territoria­l authority level. Either party can go to the Environmen­t Court as a higher referee.

It does not matter whether the developer is a highminded environmen­talist or not. The Act will treat any applicatio­n according to its specific merits and the law.

Would better consultati­on have worked? Perhaps not. If the result is opposed, the process is likely to be disparaged as well.

While the energy project was one of the trust’s two flagship endeavours, it has other interests it has and can pursue, notably a house project. The trust’s website says it will design and then build a climate safe house along research into whole community solutions, and appraisal of future risk. This was launched last year, and the trust says it is collaborat­ing with Otago Polytechni­c.

The trust also operates a ‘‘cosy homes advice’’ telephone line, a firewood programme, insulation, a community office and other services.

The turbine project faced headwinds that proved too strong. It also appears some of the claims about it were overblown.

The community around Blueskin Bay is strong and committed in all sorts of ways. It must be hoped this project and its aftermath do not undermine those strengths. Its resilience is being tested.

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