Otago Daily Times

Fearless police duo honoured for heroics


AUCKLAND: Cruising through the Manawatu River gorge in July 2016, Senior Constable Ross Andrew came across the grisliest of scenes.

In front of him, a large truckandtr­ailer unit lay halfsubmer­ged in the water, having slammed through a barrier and lurched 50m down the gorge.

Shrouded by a thick cloud of spilled milk powder, swirling around him in heavy winds, Senior Constable Andrew did not hesitate.

Taking a rope, he made his way — inch by inch — down the ravine.

Once at the bottom of the gorge, Snr Const Andrew waded through rising waters, helping a female passenger to safety and protecting the seriously injured male driver from freezing winds until the arrival of help.

As a result of that moment of fearlessne­ss, two people survived what could have been a fatal accident — and the Manawatu police officer became one of two men to receive the New Zealand Police Associatio­n’s Bravery Award yesterday.

Snr Const Andrew, who has since retired, have been heralded as heroic by New Zealand Police Associatio­n president Chris Cahill.

‘‘To be awarded the Associatio­n’s Bravery Award is the highest honour we can bestow on our members, and I am tremendous­ly proud to be associated with two officers who performed so outstandin­gly,’’ Mr Cahill said.

The second officer, Constable Darren Critchley, was no less valiant.

Offshift on an afternoon in December 2016, the Kaitaiabas­ed constable heard a police radio alert that several people were struggling in Hukatere waters.

Like Snr Const Andrew before him, Const Critchley thought not of his own safety and dived into the heavy surf.

He saved one male tourist’s life, bringing him back to shore, and then reentered the water to retrieve a drowned woman and give her emergency resuscitat­ion.

Paramedics ultimately could not save her.

Mr Cahill was in awe of both men and their actions.

‘‘The officers not only displayed quick thinking, but extraordin­ary courage to put their lives at risk to rescue others,’’ Mr Cahill said. — NZN

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