Otago Daily Times

Life is not a spectator sport

Could our recent election signify a seachange, wonders Peter Matheson.

- Peter Matheson is a Dunedin historian.

IN the spring of 1989 I was in Halle, in communist East Germany, for a history conference. Although the natives were obviously restless, none of us there had a clue that the balloon was about to go up, the Berlin Wall to disintegra­te, the face of Eastern Europe to be forever changed. Secret police control, army loyalty, party hegemony seemed unshakeabl­e. One lives through lifechangi­ng events but is seldom aware of them ahead of time.

Could it be that the recent general election result signifies a seachange of similar magnitude, that this is much more than the usual threeyear political roundabout, more than a generation­al shift? Could it be that the neoliberal applecart is being upturned, and that the common good can again figure as a political imperative?

Certainly the sense of empowermen­t during the election was palpable, the flow of energy for fundamenta­l and redemptive change. A new prime minister actually spoke about kindness as a prerequisi­te. Capitalism’s need of serious revision apparently made the case for the coalition.

The elections, of course, could have gone either way. We won’t forget in a hurry the anxious wait for Winston’s Delphic utterances. But what of the future?

Here in Dunedin, Claire Curran’s sleepout in the Octagon had already signalled something new in the air. When we arrived an hour and ahalf early for Jacinda Ardern’s Hunter Centre address we barely got a seat. The atmosphere was electric; her brief talk electrifyi­ng. The same was the case at the university campus.

There is a new spirit in the air. David Clark amassed unheardof support, a whole army of enthusiast­ic doorknocke­rs. For once, cynicism and resignatio­n have been at a discount, grassroots democracy vibrant, agency has been recovered.

There has been, however, as much despair around as hope.

Prof Jonathan Boston’s critique of political shorttermi­sm had long gone unheard, not least in respect to the environmen­t. Teachers, social workers, nurses, psychiatri­sts were often exhausted and shortstaff­ed, weary of being fobbed off with empty promises about social investment. The cheapening of social discourse seemed unstoppabl­e as ‘‘alternativ­e truths’’ piled up in the election campaign. Metiria Turei, a figure of integrity if ever there was one, was stopped in her tracks by a mixture of selective moralisati­on and media assassinat­ion. This was not only a calamity for the Greens. It highlighte­d the extent to which we have become two nations, the prosperous one blandly unaware of the pressures on the other. Behind all this lurked the convenient myth of the market, which would eventually regulate everything.

This despair, however, has become the tinder for the activism. We are beginning to realise we are living through apocalypti­c times, nowhere seen more clearly than in the renewed spectre of nuclear war, the self

❛ A new prime minister actually spoke about kindness as a prerequisi­te

mirroring lunacies of Islamic State and Donald Trump. A succession of weather calamities is at last awakening people to the ‘‘lethal realities’’ of climate change, though, as the London performanc­e poet Kate Tempest puts it: ‘‘It’s safer just to see what we can bear’’.

‘‘Business as usual’’ is a mantra which no longer convinces. We know we have to change.

The first 100 days of the new Government have begun with some elan, and the silly obstructio­nism by the National opposition, which is already in evidence, will not go down well.

Yet the challenges ahead are formidable.

If, indeed, we are on the cusp of a more humane era, the resistance of those who have profited from the previous dispensati­on can be imagined. We cannot leave it all to the new Government. We will all have to put our shoulders to the wheel. Life is not a spectator sport.

 ?? PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN ?? Jacinda Ardern addresses the crowd which couldn’t fit into the Hunter Centre in Dunedin to hear her speak in August.
PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN Jacinda Ardern addresses the crowd which couldn’t fit into the Hunter Centre in Dunedin to hear her speak in August.

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