Otago Daily Times

Motivated by jealousy


A FRENCHMAN who repeatedly hit another man over the head with a beer glass was motivated by jealousy, a judge says.

Brieuc Yann Lemoult (30) was sentenced to 20 months’ prison for the assault, during which he also struck his love interest when she tried to intervene.

Appearing before Judge Bernadette Farnan in the Queenstown District Court on Monday, Lemoult was sentenced on charges of injuring Simon Elliott Brandler with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and assaulting Angelica Edgley Bains, both in the resort on July 2.

Lemoult, who was living in the resort on a working holiday, was at a downtown bar with the pair when he became jealous because of the way they were speaking to each other. After striking the male victim with the glass at least five times, he also hit the woman on her head when she tried to intervene.

The man required 10 staples for a cut to the head and treatment for other cuts and bruising, while the woman suffered swelling.

Judge Farnan said it appeared the defendant ‘‘essentiall­y fell in love’’ with the woman, despite knowing her for only a few days.

The defendant had known the female victim for a short time, and it appeared his feelings for her were not reciprocat­ed.

Lemoult’s counsel, Fergus More, said Lemoult was in the French national army, and if he did not return by February next year, he would be regarded as a deserter.

Judge Farnan sentenced Lemoult to 20 months’ prison for assaulting the man, and three months’ prison for assaulting the woman, to be served concurrent­ly. However, she gave him leave to apply for home detention.

Lemoult was ordered to pay the male victim $600 for emotional harm and $200 reparation for the loss of clothing.

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