Otago Daily Times

Ironic Cafe’s Florentine slice



400g malt biscuits

400g dark chocolate

40ml boiling water

280g butter

1 egg (beaten)


200g diced cranberrie­s

100g chopped pecans

100g sliced almonds

100g pistachios

100g diced dried apricots

50g raisins

50g shredded coconut

50g whole blanched almonds

11⁄4 cups condensed milk


Place malt biscuits into a food processor and blitz to a fine crumb.

Melt butter and add to malt crumb with beaten egg.

Press this mixture firmly into a baking paper lined tray, 30cm x 20cm.

Chill for 1 hour.

In a microwaves­afe bowl place chocolate buttons and boiling water and stir. Microwave the chocolate mixture for a minute at a time stirring until completely melted and smooth. Spread over the chilled biscuit base.

Chill for 1 hour.

In a large bowl combine all the fruit and nuts and mix in the condensed milk. Spread this mixture over the chilled biscuit and chocolate base.

Bake at 150degC fan bake for 10 minutes then bake again at 170degC for 5 minutes. Let this cool then refrigerat­e until completely cold. Cut into fingers.

Store in an airtight container in a cool area.

Recipe created by Lisa Simpson Baker at Ironic Cafe & Bar. Recipe requested by Marion Scott, Balclutha.

Otago Daily Times,


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