Otago Daily Times

Dunedin District Court


A MAN with a 19page criminal history, including numerous theft conviction­s and 23 for burglary since 1994, has been sent back to jail for another burglary and three thefts of food and alcohol.

Dain Wayne Manukau (39), of Dunedin, had received numerous prison sentences and undertaken many rehabilita­tive programmes over the years but had not managed to stop offending, Judge John Macdonald said at sentencing in the Dunedin District Court yesterday.

The judge acknowledg­ed the defendant blamed the latest offending on a drug relapse. And he took into account none of the offences was the most serious of its kind.

But he took the view prison was the starting point.

At the time of the offending, Manukau was on release conditions from a prison sentence for seven charges of theft and dishonestl­y using a document, Judge Macdonald said.

Manukau had admitted stealing a $41.99 bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon from Liquor King in Hillside Rd on June 13, a $47.99 bottle of Jim Beam,from Super Liquor in Andersons Bay Rd on July 8 and two meat packs each valued at $30 from Pak’n Save on July 16 as well as $20.03 of food from a loading bay in the SuperValue supermarke­t yard he and his partner unlawfully entered about 6am on July 8.

Counsel Anne Stevens emphasised the offences, including the burglary, were very much at the lower end of the scale. The defendant had pleaded guilty as early as possible and had come to court with a cheque for reparation.

At the age of almost 40, Manukau showed insight into his offending, Mrs Stevens said. His more recent criminal history showed he complied well and seemed to appreciate what was offered by communityb­ased sentences.

But Judge Macdonald said it had to be prison.

Manukau was sentenced to nine months’ jail on the burglary, with concurrent twomonth terms on the theft conviction­s. On his release, he will be on conditions, including one requiring him to undergo psychologi­cal counsellin­g for six months. He was also ordered to pay reparation as requested.

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