Otago Daily Times

Warrington domain area gravelled for freedom campers


AN area of crushed limestone has been laid at the north end of the Warrington domain to cope with the steady flow of freedom camper traffic.

Council parks and recreation operations manager Jendi Paterson said it would help protect the coastal grounds north of Dunedin, used by nonselfcon­tained freedom camping vehicles.

‘‘In previous years, the grass received damage from all the vehicles on it. This is a costeffect­ive way of dealing with that.’’

Laying the limestone gravel cost $4904 and it covered an area of about 625sq m.

She said the council had consulted the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board and was working on putting out new signage, expected to be in place before Christmas.

Warrington resident Ken McHoull, who had previously spoken out in support of freedom campers, agreed the gravel area would help solve the issue of damaged grounds.

Mr McHoull kept a daily count of freedom camper numbers and said they had been steady over the past few weeks, averaging around 25 to 35 nonselfcon­tained vehicles per day.

He said at peak times over summer the number of vehicles could increase to 100 or more.

Saddle Hill Community Board chairman Scott Weatherall said the Ocean View site, south of Dunedin, experience­d similar numbers, and there was rarely a day where there were no freedom campers.

He said he expected numbers to increase over the summer.

 ?? PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON ?? A campervan drives across the new limestone gravel area that has been put in place to deal with steady freedom camper numbers at Warrington reserve.
PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON A campervan drives across the new limestone gravel area that has been put in place to deal with steady freedom camper numbers at Warrington reserve.

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