Otago Daily Times

Otago study finds childhood predictors of obesity


CHILDHOOD predictors of becoming overweight or obese as adults in New Zealand include being male, born into a singlepare­nt family, having parents with larger body size and limited or no breastfeed­ing, new University of Otago research reveals.

Internatio­nal literature has identified childhood determinan­ts of adult weight and obesity. However, less is known about the New Zealand context and the University of Otago research published in the latest issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal provides some answers.

‘‘Childhood predictors of adult adiposity: findings from a longitudin­al study’’ is based on findings from 980 participan­ts in the Christchur­ch Health and Developmen­t Study, a longitudin­al study of 1265 children born in Christchur­ch during 1977.

These people have been studied regularly since birth to age 35, using a combinatio­n of interviews with parents and participan­ts, standardis­ed testing, teacher reports and official record data.

At ages 30 and 35 about onethird of the people studied were overweight and onefifth were obese.

Being male, born into a singlepare­nt family, having parents with larger body size, limited or no breastfeed­ing, higher early infant growth, lower levels of cognitive ability and exposure to severe sexual abuse were all predictors of being overweight or obese as adults.

Director of the Christchur­ch study and one of the researcher­s for this project, Prof John Horwood, said none of the findings were particular­ly surprising and were in line with internatio­nal evidence.

‘‘The findings confirm that risk of obesity is related to a complex mix of factors reflecting biological endowment, socioecono­mic disadvanta­ge, early diet and adverse childhood experience,’’ Prof Horwood said.

‘‘Individual­ly, the identified risk factors have a relatively modest impact on adult weight, but jointly they can add up to something that is substantia­l,’’ he said.

‘‘So, if you have three or more risk factors there is likely to be an associated increased risk of obesity.’’

Most of the factors identified in the present study (such as gender, parental BMI and exposure to childhood sexual abuse) were unable to be changed or modified in the context of obesity prevention, the research paper stated.

The exceptions to this were longer duration of breastfeed­ing and weight gain in infancy, which had been shown in a number of studies to be associated with lower risk of adult obesity.

This suggested that strategies such as the promotion of breastfeed­ing, the encouragem­ent of longer duration of breastfeed­ing, monitoring the use of formula and limiting the early introducti­on of solid foods could play key roles in any strategy designed to reduce obesity, the researcher­s said.

The researcher­s suggest it may be possible to integrate evidenceba­sed early interventi­on for gaining weight through Plunket, Early Start and Family Start or similar agencies.

Former director of the Christchur­ch study, Emeritus Prof David Fergusson, current deputy director Associate Prof Joseph Boden, research fellow Dr Geraldine McLeod and Dr Frances Carter, formerly from the department of psychologi­cal medicine are coauthors of the Health Research Councilfun­ded study.

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