Otago Daily Times

Dotcom fails in attempt to have Obama subpoenaed


AUCKLAND: Internet mogul Kim Dotcom has failed in his bid to have former United States president Barack Obama served with a court order and forced to give evidence before a New Zealand judge over a damages claim for his defunct streaming website.

Mr Obama has been in the country for three days.

Late on Monday, Mr Dotcom’s legal team filed an applicatio­n for a subpoena to have Mr Obama examined in a New Zealand court.

But Germanborn Mr Dotcom, who is represente­d by lawyers Ron Mansfield and Simon Cogan, realised his request was a long shot and also asked for, in the alternativ­e, an order sending a letter of request to US judicial authoritie­s to take Mr Obama’s evidence stateside.

The Chief High Court Judge, Justice Geoffrey Venning, convened an urgent telephone conference yesterday morning to deal with the applicatio­n.

Mr Dotcom, with several others, is battling extraditio­n to the US to stand trial for alleged copyright breaches over his former website Megaupload.

He argued that Mr Obama can give evidence directly material to his proceeding, the purpose of the United States prosecutio­n against him and its dealings with New Zealand authoritie­s.

In December, Mr Dotcom filed a claim against the New Zealand and US Government­s for pursuing and maintainin­g an erroneous arrest warrant and misleading the New Zealand court which granted it.

In an FBIordered raid, police used the antiterror­ist Special Tactics Group in a helicopter assault on his Coatesvill­e mansion in 2012.

However, Mr Dotcom conceded that in the absence of a court order, it was unlikely Mr Obama would give evidence, and it was not practical to obtain a subpoena order before a trial date had been allocated.

There was no other witness currently in New Zealand as competent as Mr Obama to give evidence on the matter, he argued.

Justice Venning said even if Mr Obama held relevant informatio­n and was compellabl­e as a witness, it would be necessary for him to prepare for any such examinatio­n and review relevant documents and materials from his time as president.

The judge continued: ‘‘On the material presently before the court, I am not satisfied that the evidence Mr Obama could give would be of relevance.’’

He said Mr Obama’s perceived evidence comes from ‘‘Dotcom’s construct that Hollywood was a major benefactor of the Democratic Party in the United States and that, in his opinion, the action against Megaupload and him met the United States’ need to appease the Hollywood lobby’’.

The evidence Mr Obama may have any knowledge of is based on hearsay from a Wellington lawyer and lobbyist who told Mr Dotcom that ‘‘President Obama was dissatisfi­ed with the way it had been handled’’, Justice Venning said.

He said Mr Dotcom’s applicatio­n was ‘‘premature’’ and that Mr Obama’s evidence would be relevant ‘‘appears at best speculativ­e’’. — NZME

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