Otago Daily Times

Injured trail rider thanks helpers

- DANIEL BIRCHFIELD daniel.birchfield@odt.co.nz

A FORMER Oamaru man injured after he came off his motorcycle during the Danseys Pass Trail Ride on Saturday went into ‘‘panic mode’’ when he realised he was about to crash.

The trail ride covers more than 100km across several tracks through private farmland at Danseys Pass and is an annual fundraiser for Duntroon School.

Finn Sillibourn­e, now living in Dunedin, was riding on the 25km ‘‘extreme loop’’ track when he lost control on a downhill section and fell heavily.

He sustained a fractured hip, a hairline fracture to his groin bone, a bruised rib and concussion.

He was airlifted to Dunedin Hospital by the Otago Regional Rescue Helicopter and after being treated, was released on Sunday afternoon.

‘‘I just lost control of my bike going down the hill because it was quite wet. I’m pretty sure I got into a bit of a tumble and I remember waking up with three guys at the bottom that were holding my neck and bracing me up and getting me ready for the helicopter to pick me up,’’ he said.

‘‘I can’t remember much. I must have knocked my head pretty hard.’’

He said he was unconsciou­s for between 30 seconds and one minute.

Mr Sillibourn­e knew he was in trouble as he picked up speed and braced himself for the worst.

‘‘I sort of just went into panic mode. Adrenaline took over . . . I just remember going down the hill getting faster and faster thinking ‘this is it’. I just remember hitting the ground and it all went black.’’

He was helped by other riders while emergency services made their way to the scene.

‘‘I owe a big thank you to the group who helped me and everyone else, too.’’

Mr Sillibourn­e will be on crutches ‘‘for a few weeks’’ while he recovers.

However, the crash would not stop him from tackling the event next year.

‘‘I’ll definitely be signing up for it next year. I’ll probably make sure to take my time and look around before I dive into the track.’’

Event coorganise­r Peter Spite said the trail ride had a strict health and safety plan and Land Search and Rescue was on standby to attend any serious accidents. Trained track marshals were also on hand to assist people if required.

‘You’re always going to get guys coming off. It’s the nature of riding a bike, really.’’

More than 1000 people took part in this year’s trail ride.

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