Otago Daily Times

Proposed Mosgiel pool needs your support

- Lindsay Gunn Calton Hill

COME on Dunedin! Support the proposed Mosgiel pool.

The current Mosgiel pool is long past its useby date. The Moana Pool complex is struggling to provide adequate facilities for the whole of Dunedin. There is clearly an urgent need for another significan­t swimming pool complex in the greater Dunedin area.

The proposed new aquatic centre in Mosgiel will serve current and future needs of the greater Dunedin area, especially west of central Dunedin, including Green Island, Abbotsford, Fairfield, Waldronvil­le, Brighton, Outram, Mosgiel and the wider Taieri. Mosgiel is the fastestgro­wing area of greater Dunedin.

In these areas west of central Dunedin there are many schools that would find it easier and less congested to use the Mosgiel aquatic centre to teach pupils to swim. There is also a growing aged population that would benefit greatly from heated therapy pools planned for this centre.

The local community has already stumped up nearly $1 million for the centre, which demonstrat­es great local support, but we need the wellestabl­ished businesses in Dunedin to back this project, because it will benefit the local population who are the main supporters of these businesses.

But we also need the DCC to wholeheart­edly support this project and increase the amount in its budget from the $7 million offered.

It is unreasonab­le to expect the Mosgiel community to raise half the proposed budget when the pool will benefit a much greater proportion of the Dunedin population and ratepayers. Dr Colin Mackintosh


Bus stop seat

REFERRING to Robert Porter’s recent request to the Otago Regional Council for a seat to be installed in the bus stop opposite Baker St, Caversham, I wonder if it would it be possible for Mr Collings to supply another seat, and install it in the bus shelter between Douglas and Council Sts in St Kilda?

I’m sure members of the public who use this bus service frequently, as I do, would be very appreciati­ve.

V. Parata

St Kilda

Bottle refund

I VISIT Dunedin each year and most days I walk around the city and see trash and litter — mostly beer cans and bottles.

Don’t you think it’s high time the companies imposed an extra charge to encourage the return of these cans/ bottles for a refund? If this happens, we can hope for a cleaner Dunedin.

Santa Portis


NZ Post

ON the whole, I am reasonably happy with NZ Post, apart from the fact that having mail deliveries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday means no delivery on all the Mondayised holidays, plus Good Friday to boot.

However, two surprises recently. On Monday, February 12, a card from Australia postmarked 6.12.17, and on Wednesday, February 14 printed papers from the UK postmarked 21.10.17. Economy mail usually arrived within three weeks. Almost four months seems over the odds.

Gun laws

COMMENTING on the previous government’s refusal to restore a register of firearms, Police Associatio­n president Chris Cahill said the likely consequenc­e is armed officers on the beat (ODT, 15.6.17).

Now he has revealed that one in eight officers has been threatened with a gun in the past year. Having copied so many things from the United States, a gun culture is surely something to reject.

D. S. Boyes


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