Otago Daily Times

Renee Hewson

Fluid, Dunedin


You exchange daily chitchat, the odd joke and they know what you want before you ask, but what do you actually know about the person who makes your coffee every day? Fresh gives you some insight into those coffee warriors with its monthly segment, Baristas Uncovered.


How did you end up making coffee?

I was working at a supermarke­t at the time and was asked if I could give it a shot since they were needing staff. I’ve made coffee ever since.


Key to being a good barista is?

Keeping it consistent, having the ability to multitask, being efficient and having a positive vibe.


Weirdest drink request you’ve had?

When someone requests a mystery drink and you get to make anything you like. For example, an Earl Grey tea with vanilla, topped with steamed milk which we named ‘‘London fog’’.


What do you drink?

Depending on the day, I’ll drink a coconut latte or, if I’m wanting a sugar hit, a hot chocolate with marshmallo­ws and a shot of caramel, especially on one of Dunedin’s cold days.


What does it take to make those shapes on top of a coffee?

Lots of practice, patience and a good, silky milk helps as well.

Q Top tip for home coffee makers?

Take your time and keep practising. Your first coffee may not be perfect.

Q Chemex or Cold Brew? What’s your preference?

Definitely cold brew. It’s a lot sweeter depending on the type of beans you use and adding a touch of vanilla makes it better with cold milk.

Q Would you serve coffee in an avocado shell as per latest Instagram trends?

If someone brought one in, for sure. I’d even give them a discount for not using a takeaway cup.

Each month Fresh will profile a barista so if you want to know more about the person who serves you your daily fix email features@odt.co.nz with their name and place of work.

 ?? PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON ?? Renee Hewson (21), from Balclutha, keeps the coffee flowing at Fluid in Dunedin.
PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON Renee Hewson (21), from Balclutha, keeps the coffee flowing at Fluid in Dunedin.
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