Otago Daily Times

The breakfast (un)muffin


I’ve named this an (un)muffin because, despite its muffinlike appearance, it is nothing like a normal fat, sugar and wheatloade­d muffin. This (un)muffin will satisfy both your body and your soul.

Makes 1224

110g rolled oats

60g rice flour

40g flax seeds

1 tsp bicarbonat­e of soda (baking soda) 40g walnut pieces

2 large (size 7) eggs

65g biodynamic probiotic yoghurt 125ml maple syrup

85ml avocado oil

3 large superripe bananas, mashed

To serve

1⁄4 cup yoghurt

Crunchy nut topping

40g pecans, roughly chopped 40g walnuts, roughly chopped 2 Tbsp ground almonds

2 Tbsp maple syrup tsp mixed spice pinch salt


Heat the oven to 175degC and position the metal shelf in the middle of the oven.

In a large mixing bowl, lightly combine the rolled oats, rice flour, flax seeds and bicarbonat­e of soda. Add the walnuts and mix through.

In another bowl, whisk the eggs with the yoghurt, maple and avocado oil, and mix through the bananas until well combined.

Add the liquid to the bowl of dry ingredient­s and mix until all the ingredient­s are evenly distribute­d.

Line a 12hole muffin tin with paper cases and divide the mixture evenly between the cases. Bake in the oven for 2224 minutes, or until the muffin top springs back when lightly pressed.

To make the crunchy nut topping, heat a frying pan to medium and drytoast the pecans and walnuts for 12 minutes. Watch them carefully as you do not want them to burn; they will taste bitter.

They are ready when they are lightly golden and smell divine.

Remove the pan from the heat and add the ground almonds, maple syrup, mixed spice and salt, and mix with a spoon to combine.

When the (un)muffins are ready, remove from the oven and either serve warm or allow them to cool on a wire rack. Before serving, add a teaspoon of yoghurt and a sprinkling of the crunchy nut topping to the top of each (un)muffin.

Tip: Try swapping whole almonds for the walnuts — these work just as well.

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