Otago Daily Times

CA asked to take ‘extraordin­ary contrition’ into account


SYDNEY: Cricket Australia (CA) should take into account ‘‘extraordin­ary contrition’’ shown by Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft over the balltamper­ing scandal, the players’ union says.

Australian Cricketers’ Associatio­n (ACA) president Greg Dyer has called on CA to consider recalibrat­ing the bans placed on the test trio, citing their ‘‘disproport­ionate’’ lengths of nine and 12 months.

But he says the trio’s apologetic, emotional and sometimes teary media conference­s after being sent home for their roles in the attempt to alter the ball in Cape Town should also be considered.

‘‘The contrition shown by these men is extraordin­ary, absolutely extraordin­ary,’’

Dyer told a media conference in Sydney yesterday.

‘‘Their distressed faces have sent a message across the world as effective as any sanction could be.

‘‘I think Australia cried with Steve Smith last Thursday. I know I certainly did.

‘‘We ask for this extraordin­ary contrition to be taken into account by Cricket Australia, just as it would be in any fair and proper process.’’

In addition to their 12month playing suspension­s, Smith was barred from captaining his country for a further year, and Warner will not again be considered for a leadership position.

Dyer would not shed light on whether the trio would appeal their sanctions, as the players consider their options and CA braces for the saga to continue.

Warner and Smith at least are understood to be weighing appeals and Warner’s lawyers have reportedly requested evidence gathered during CA’s investigat­ion after the scandal surfaced.

The ACA echoed a belief in some cricket circles the bans were too harsh, given the Internatio­nal Cricket Council’s maximum punishment for ball tampering is a onetest ban.

‘‘Of the dozen or so matters of this type, the most severe suspension to date has been a ban for two oneday internatio­nals,’’ Dyer said.

‘‘The informed conclusion is that, as right as the motivation is, the proposed penalties are disproport­ionate relative to precedent.

‘‘The ACA asks Cricket Australia in its final deliberati­on to consider all these factors.

‘‘We ask considerat­ion be given to recalibrat­ing the proposed sanctions, to consider options such as suspending or reducing part of the sanction, to considerin­g allowing players to return to domestic cricket earlier as an important part of their rehabilita­tion.’’

Dyer also criticised the decision to let Smith and Bancroft front the media at the end of the day’s play at Newlands after the latter was caught by television cameras stuffing the sandpaper down the front of his trousers.

Bancroft admitted lying in the press conference by claiming to have used sticky tape on the ball.

‘‘The proper process was to allow the players time to consider the charges placed by umpires or the match referee and seek proper advice,’’ Dyer said.

‘‘Instead, they were rushed to a press conference minutes after leaving the field to face the world’s media and make rushed statements and admissions.’’ — AAP


 ??  ?? Greg Dyer
Greg Dyer

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