Otago Daily Times

EPA head denies he misled MPs


WELLINGTON: The head of the Environmen­tal Protection Authority returned to Parliament yesterday insisting he had not misled MPs about ministers interferin­g in the removal of the authority’s controvers­ial chief scientist.

Allan Freeth had previously assured MPs he had not had any discussion­s with environmen­t ministers regarding his chief scientist Jacqueline Rowarth, who resigned in February.

That position was called into question when Associate Environmen­t Minister Eugenie Sage said she had discussed Dr Rowarth with Dr Freeth — and said he had told her he was aware of her concerns and was dealing with the issue.

This week, Ms Sage changed her story and, blaming her poor memory, said that conversati­on never happened — but not before Dr Freeth offered to reappear in front of MPs.

Yesterday, he agreed with the minister’s new story, that they had not discussed Dr Rowarth.

However, he was asked by National’s Nick Smith why he had apologised to ministers for Dr Rowarth’s behaviour when the EPA was supposed to be independen­t.

The apology followed the chief scientist’s criticism of a tax on irrigated water — which was a Labour Party election policy.

‘‘I apologised to Ministers Parker and Sage on behalf of the EPA and there was no link at all, at that stage, between any comments made by Jacqueline and any discussion of [her] exit.

‘‘I apologised for Jacqueline’s specific criticism of government policy which was inappropri­ate for any staff member of the EPA.’’

National’s Sarah Dowie asked Dr Freeth if a news article that was highly critical of Dr Rowarth and which Ms Sage had forwarded to him was code for ‘‘get rid of her’’.

‘‘So I think it’s entirely appropriat­e for the minister to raise any questions in regard to damage to the reputation­al neutrality of the EPA,’’ Dr Freeth said.

National’s Todd Muller asked what repercussi­ons there were for Dr Rowarth following the minister sending the article, but Dr Freeth said he would not discuss staff matters.

Dr Freeth refused to tell MPs how much Dr Rowarth’s exit package had been. He also refused to be interviewe­d after the select committee.

The EPA head was clearly frustrated with National’s line of questionin­g. At one point, he shot back at Ms Dowie for repeatedly referring to him as Mr Freeth.

‘‘It’s Dr Freeth,’’ he said. Dr Rowarth did not respond to a request for comment. — RNZ

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