Otago Daily Times

NZ plastic heads to other Asian countries


WELLINGTON: China’s ban on importing plastic has caused the amount of waste New Zealand sends to other parts of Asia to skyrocket.

China stopped accepting 24 different types of waste, including plastic and paper, at the start of this year because it said contaminan­ts were polluting its environmen­t.

In the first three months of 2017 New Zealand exported $1.7 million dollars worth of plastic to China — during the correspond­ing period this year that dropped to $100,000.

But other countries are willing to take the rubbish that China won’t — New Zealand’s exports to Malaysia so far this year are up 500% on the same time last year, from $56,000 to $345,000.

Exports to Indonesia are also up, jumping 150% from $320,000 to $812,000.

Thailand’s imports from New Zealand have doubled, from $269,000 to 549,000 and Vietnam’s are up 75%, from $43,000 to $75,000.

China previously took more than half of the world’s waste exports and plastic prices have plummeted since the ban came into effect.

While some businesses are willing to sell at the lower price, one of New Zealand’s largest waste companies is stockpilin­g while it waits for the market to improve.

Smart Environmen­tal managing director Grahame Christian said it had about 1000 tonnes of plastic stored at warehouses around the country.

‘‘We are sitting on a massive amount of paper and plastics, we are aware of new markets opening up but they are not mature, to our knowledge, so right now we’ve got the double whammy of very low prices and very high levels of stock.’’

Mr Christian’s company deals with waste from 14 councils, representi­ng around 20% of the country’s plastic.

New Zealand’s plastic exports were of a high standard and it was contaminat­ed products from other countries that caused problems in China, he said.

‘‘I would still think that, provided the product meets the quality standard, that China will open back up,’’ he said.

WasteMINZ chief executive Paul Evans said Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam were expected to pick up the lion’s share of imports when China’s ban came into effect, but there were concerns about the processes in those countries.

Associate Environmen­t Minister Eugenie Sage said more money for the Waste Minimisati­on Fund, which could fund onshore processing, could be boosted if levies to landfills were expanded.

Sustainabl­e Coastlines cofounder Camden Howitt said recycling was not the answer in dealing with New Zealand’s waste. It was an example of transferri­ng one environmen­tal problem to another.


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