Otago Daily Times

New coleader brings stability and risks


AUCKLAND: The Green Party’s new coleader Marama Davidson will bring stability to her party, but also a few new risks.

The party’s selection of backbench MP Ms Davidson yesterday finally fills the gap left by Metiria Turei eight months ago, when the former coleader quit politics.

Ms Davidson’s victory over the only other candidate, Women’s Minister Julie Anne Genter, will heal some of the wounds left by Ms Turei’s resignatio­n. Some Green members are still upset about Ms Turei’s treatment and have been concerned about the absence of a strong Green voice on social issues in the Labourled coalition.

If Ms Genter had won, members’ resentment and party divisions over Ms Turei could have festered. Like coleader James Shaw, Ms Genter is more centrist and known for her environmen­tal and economic credential­s.

The huge margin of Ms Davidson’s victory, 110 delegate votes to 34, sent a strong signal the party wanted another radical activist in Ms Turei’s place who could provide a balance to Mr Shaw, rather than mirror him.

Ms Davidson will play a valuable role in what is known as pastoral care. It means little to the public but it aims to make sure the caucus and party are looked after while Mr Shaw and other senior MPs are busy governing.

Immediatel­y after being promoted yesterday, she said keeping the Greens together under the stress of governing would be her ‘‘number one goal’’. Its biggest threat, she said, was not being visible in a threeparty government.

While Ms Davidson brings stability to the Greens, some in Labour and NZ First view her as a potential risk.

Ms Davidson has promised to attack the Labourled Government more vigorously than Ms Genter from her position outside the executive, which could back fire if she overplays her hand. It could be argued this strategy did not work for Act or the Maori Party, whose vote dwindled in coalition with National.

Some Green members feel Ms Davidson would be better placed championin­g the notinsigni­ficant victories the Greens are winning as part of the LabourNZ First coalition, such as the enormous lift in public transport funding announced last week.

Ms Davidson arguably does not have the broad appeal of Ms Genter, who like Mr Shaw is able to communicat­e with nonGreen voters and has a higher profile because of her ministeria­l role. Ms Davidson’s campaign promise to appeal to Maori voters could be futile at a time when they are flocking to Labour.

For now at least, Ms Davidson has ticked off one achievemen­t. The Turei scandal has been pushed further into the background and the party’s restless, activist base are happy.

Her next job will be to show she can fulfil her promise to appeal to those outside the party, not just those within it.

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Marama Davidson

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