Otago Daily Times

No reason to turn away from charter schools


WITH great reluctance, the ideologica­lly driven Education Minister Chris Hipkins has now released the third and final independen­t report by Martin Jenkins on partnershi­p/charter schools.

Contrary to the Government’s wishes and propaganda, the report finds these schools are the most positive thing happening in education today. The schools are strongly focused on disadvanta­ged children, largely Maori and Pasifika — the very people Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claims her Government is targeting.

Given the positive findings of this independen­t analysis, there is now absolutely no sensible reason to close existing charter schools and stop enlisting new ones. They are helping to fill a huge gap where the state education system fails.

The Government’s intention is pure ideology, driven as it is by the militant teacher unions whose only real reason for their opposition is their fear that the schools will succeed.

Would that, in this case, the Government puts plain common sense ahead of socialist ideology and focuses on the interests of too many disadvanta­ged children.

Vince Ashworth


School reunion

Mangaweka School is celebratin­g its 125th anniversar­y on Saturday, March 2, 2019. The district schools Pourangaki, Lower Kawhatau, Potaka Rd, Manui, Makohine and Mangaweka Convent are included in the celebratio­ns.

The programme will include an official opening and displays of photograph­s, and lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. There will be plenty of opportunit­ies to catch up with old friends. The option of adjourning to Awastone or Papa Cliff Cafe for an evening meal can be arranged if there is the demand.

Expupils, teachers and committee members are encouraged to contact the organising committee for a registrati­on pack to express their interest:

Mangaweka 125th Reunion

Box 14, Mangaweka 4746.

Phone: (06) 3825702.

Email: mangaweka1­25@gmail.com

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