Otago Daily Times

Jail time for crash driver


A CRASH which resulted in his front seat passenger receiving laceration­s to her liver, forehead and left elbow, and being in hospital for six days, brought three years’ jail and driving disqualifi­cations for a man sentenced in the Dunedin District Court yesterday.

Dallas Eric Gilliand (28), of Dunedin, had been convicted of dangerous driving causing injury, refusing to give a blood specimen, and driving while disqualifi­ed, on September 24 last year.

The police summary said Gilliand and his partner had been at a party in Tomahawk Rd.

Driving from the party, about 9pm, with his partner in the front passenger seat, Gilliand crossed to the right hand side of Marlow St, mounted a traffic island, then crashed into a parked car.

He pulled his partner from his car before absconding.

He was found nearby shortly after and taken to hospital, where he refused to give a blood sample.

Judge Kevin Phillips said the dangerous driving causing injury was aggravated by Gilliand being a disqualifi­ed driver and refusing to allow blood to be taken.

Gilliand, who had pleaded guilty, was sentenced to three years’ jail and disqualifi­ed from driving for two years for dangerous driving causing injury, four months’ jail and disqualifi­ed indefinite­ly for refusing blood, and three months’ jail and disqualifi­ed for one year and one day for disqualifi­ed driving.

A further admission, of breaching release conditions, brought four months’ jail.

All sentences are concurrent.

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