Otago Daily Times

Hell ‘raining from the skies’

Syria is normalisin­g the use of chemical weapons, according to this guest editorial for the Chicago Tribune by Zaher Sahloul, a SyrianAmer­ican critical care specialist and president of MedGlobal, a nonprofit organisati­on that sends medical missions to d


AN editorial from the Chicago Tribune says Syria is normalisin­g the use of chemical weapons with their repeated use, resulting in ghastly scenes of suffering that have become ‘‘strangely familiar’’. A medical student working in Douma pleads for the attacks to stop.

THE scenes have become strangely familiar by now. Recent videos and pictures streaming from wartorn Syria, show the dead bodies of angellike children and women, crowded in basements and littering the stairs of shelters. White foam covers their mouths and noses. They look asleep, but they are dead. There are no external wounds to explain why they are dead, a hallmark of exposure to chemical agents.

Another suspected chemical attack has occurred in Syria.

Bushra is a medical student who has been working nonstop at the site of the most recent attack, in Douma, just outside of Syria’s capital, Damascus, on April 7. She works in a hospital supported by my organisati­on, and I got to know Bushra (for her safety, we are only using her first name) through the recent crisis and have communicat­ed with her through WhatsApp. Most doctors were forced to leave the enclave. She is working as a nurse, doctor and even surgeon because of the severe shortage of healthcare profession­als there.

The main hospital in Douma was bombed by an airstrike the same day as the gas attack. Her small hospital was flooded with injured patients. ‘‘They were choking’’ she said. ‘‘They smelled bleach.’’

All had respirator­y symptoms — coughing, wheezing, foaming, vomiting and tearing in their eyes. Some of them were having convulsion­s. She also felt tightness in her own chest. She did not have proper protective gear. It is difficult to ascertain which chemical agent was used. The bleachlike smell indicated possible exposure to a choking agent, chlorine, which was used by the Germans during World War 1. But the severity and scale may indicate a new agent or mixed chemical agents. There have been recent reports the Syrian Government has been developing new chemical agents.

Bushra told me about the chaotic scenes of nurses using water hoses to wash petrified children who were screaming or traumatise­d. Her undergroun­d hospital was overwhelme­d by the number of victims. She described flaccid children gasping their last breaths. She cried telling me how she performed CPR hopelessly on small children, trying to resuscitat­e them. The worst thing for a doctor is not to be able to save the life of a patient, especially if that patient is a healthy child.

What has happened in Douma is not new in Syria. A year ago, a similar attack with sarin nerve gas in Khan Sheikhoun in the north led to the deaths of about 100 people, including 33 children. There has been repeated use of chemical agents directed at rebelcontr­olled areas since last year.

Syrian President Bashar Assad, with the help of his allies Russia and Iran, has been bombing Douma after the breakdown of negotiatio­ns with the rebel group, Jaish alIslam, which controls the city. Douma had a population of 500,000 before the crisis. The location is not far from the infamous nerve gas attack in August 2013, when 1400 people suffocated to death after exposure to sarin gas. The Syrian regime was blamed for the attack.

At that time, President Barack Obama did not follow through on his 2012 warning there would be consequenc­es if the Syrian Government crossed a ‘‘red line’’. The red line referred to use of chemical weapons and was meant to prevent Assad from using those internatio­nally prohibited weapons against his people. Well, the red line was crossed, not one time, but more than 200 times, according to a recent report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights.

The report outlines repeated use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime between December 2012 and February 2018, noting that scores of attacks occurred after a 2013 United Nations resolution required the Syrian Government to destroy its full stockpile of chemical weapons.

There has been no accountabi­lity. Instead, the use of chemical weapons has been normalised, and the lack of accountabi­lity has set a dangerous precedent. It probably gave the green light to other regimes and dictators to use chemical agents with impunity against their foes.

The nerve agent VX was used to assassinat­e North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s half brother in Malaysia in February 2017. And recently, the nerve agent Novichok was used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in southern England — the first time chemical weapons have been used in Europe since World War 2.

After each massacre in Syria, the world is apparently caught by surprise. Innocent children die because of a shortage of antidotes, ventilator­s, oxygen and doctors.

After so many attacks in Syria with chemical agents, the World Health Organisati­on and the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons, which is responsibl­e for enforcemen­t of chemical weapons protocols, still do not have in place a process to confirm quickly which chemical agent has been used in an attack.

I asked the medical student Bushra what she wants. ‘‘Stop the hell raining on us from the skies,’’ she said.

Bushra wants to finish her medical school training and become a pediatrici­an. She and her colleagues are dreaming of a day when all Syrian children are able, once again, to get out from their shelters, play in openair parks, go to schools built above ground and breathe the air without choking. — TNS

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 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? In distress . . . A child is treated in a hospital in Douma, Eastern Ghouta in Syria, after what a Syrian medical relief group claims was a suspected chemical attack on April 7.
PHOTO: REUTERS In distress . . . A child is treated in a hospital in Douma, Eastern Ghouta in Syria, after what a Syrian medical relief group claims was a suspected chemical attack on April 7.

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