Otago Daily Times

Questions to Curran blocked


AUCKLAND: National was blocked from asking Broadcasti­ng Minister Clare Curran to appear at a select committee to clear up unanswered questions around her communicat­ions with former RNZ executive Carol Hirschfeld, a report says.

The economic developmen­t, science and innovation committee released its report yesterday on a briefing in which the committee was inadverten­tly misled by RNZ chairman Richard Griffin and chief executive Paul Thompson about a meeting between Ms Curran and Ms Hirschfeld last December.

A minority report by the five National Party members of the select committee said questions remained unanswered regarding the appropriat­eness of communicat­ions initiated by Ms Curran with Ms Hirschfeld and Mr Griffin.

Ms Curran arranged her meeting with Ms Hirschfeld by text, and also left a message on Mr Griffin’s phone before his reappearan­ce before the committee to correct the record over his previous submission on the nature of the meeting.

Ms Curran’s behaviour was potentiall­y in breach of parliament­ary standing orders covering ‘‘intimidati­ng, preventing, or hindering a witness from giving evidence, or giving evidence in full, to the House or a committee’’.

The National members also sought to invite Ms Curran to the committee to give her the opportunit­y to clear up the unanswered questions.

‘‘Regretfull­y, this resolution was not supported by other members of the committee, once again leaving the matter unresolved.’’

They also sought the committee to request the Speaker of the House summon Mr Griffin to give the committee the voice message Ms Curran left on his cellphone, which Mr Griffin had refused to hand over.

This was also not supported by the rest of the committee.

‘‘This leaves the matter unclear on the content and tone of the message, whether interferen­ce occurred or not,’’ the report said.

Misinforma­tion around the nature of the meeting has cost Ms Hirschfeld her job after she repeatedly reassured Mr Griffin and Mr Thompson that it was a chance encounter. It later emerged that it had been prearrange­d. — NZME

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