Otago Daily Times

Grindr user stupefied men, stole cards

He lured gay men in by a dating app; he was Brazilian, Portuguese, Italian; he was whatever they wanted him to be; he made them trust him. Then he bled their bank accounts dry as they lay unconsciou­s in their own homes. Rob Kidd unmasks the man and speaks

- Rob.kidd@odt.co.nz

BRAZILIAN tourist Diego MarquesSan­tos loved New Zealand — he had the national flag tattooed on his chest to prove it.

The 32yearold was a hit with the Kiwi guys too.

Using the gay dating app Grindr, he met likeminded men; they bought food and drinks and went home. Sometimes they had sex.

What MarquesSan­tos’ victims did not know was that he had been ‘‘shouldersu­rfing’’; watching them enter their PIN earlier in the evening.

In August and September last year, five men — three from Nelson, two from Dunedin — woke in the same state.

They had memories of consuming a drink and then nothing. Just blackness. ‘‘From a very specific point in the night, it was like someone flicked a light switch off,’’ Dave* told the Otago Daily Times.

‘‘To wake up and realise you’ve been rendered unconsciou­s is bizarre.’’

MarquesSan­tos connected with the man on Grindr using the pseudonym ‘‘Thiago’’.

They swapped numbers and the defendant told Dave that he had come over from Portugal and was studying English for nine months.

They were the first in a deluge of lies.

‘‘I guess the extent he was willing to go to was quite extraordin­ary,’’ said Dave.

‘‘He was quite softly spoke, he was chatty . . . all of it you realise is hocus pocus now.’’

The pair went for a drive around Dunedin, before returning home for pizza and wine.

But when MarquesSan­tos went to the kitchen to fill their glasses, he secretly mixed clonazepam tablets into the victim’s drink.

The prescripti­on medication had been crushed in preparatio­n.

When Dave commented that the wine seemed gritty, the man told him, unflinchin­gly, it was not uncommon with South American wine.

It sounded true.

And then the darkness came. Prof Paul Glue of the University of

Otago’s School of Medicine, said clonazepam was a benzodiaze­pine from the same family as the more common ‘‘roofie’’, or daterape drug, Rohypnol.

He said it was often prescribed to combat anxiety and insomnia but was also used to treat epilepsy.

With his victim comatose on the couch, MarquesSan­tos pocketed his credit card and left the house.

At 11.39pm though, the card was swallowed by an ATM after he entered the wrong PIN repeatedly.

Others were not so lucky. When Dave awoke the next day, he quickly joined the dots. ‘‘I knew straight away.’’ He staggered around the house, completing a hasty inventory of his valuables, realising it was only the credit card that had been taken.

‘‘To stupefy someone is a violent act,’’ Dave said. ‘‘It’s a violence against people’s dignity.’’

Rather than skip town, the predator simply blocked his victim on

Grindr and less than a week later moved on to his next mark — Scott*.

The lies were different but the plan was the same.

This time Marques

Santos called himself ‘‘Leonardo’’ and claimed to be from


He met the man at Dunedin cafe Nova where they had a drink and then picked up food from Subway.

Scott was upset MarquesSan­tos would not pay for his own meal but it was not enough to see them part ways.

From there they got wine from the supermarke­t and the victim’s suspicions mounted.

He punched his PIN into the terminal quickly, as he felt the man was watching.

But they continued home where MarquesSan­tos insisted he pour the drinks.

Scott noted his wine appeared to be cloudier than his friend’s but MarquesSan­tos put his mind at ease, pretending to consume some of the spiked drink.

He had loaded it with so much clonazepam, the victim was out cold for 12 hours.

It gave the Brazilian plenty of time to withdraw $1920 from an ATM and spend more than $300 online on Apple products using the stolen card.

MarquesSan­tos was eventually cornered by police a few days later at an Invercargi­ll backpacker­s.

As they traced his movements around the country it became clear the two Dunedin men were not his only victims.

Three men in Nelson came forward, one of whom was a highprofil­e profession­al.

He and the other victims have permanent name suppressio­n.

MarquesSan­tos came to New Zealand on a threemonth visitor visa in May last year with the intention of obtaining a longer stay as a student.

But once his visa lapsed, his heinous crimes began.

MarquesSan­tos drained his first victim in Nelson’s bank accounts of nearly $5000, leaving only $6.

Four days later he made off with almost $1000 and his final victim in the city was hit even harder.

Leaving the man unconsciou­s in bed, MarquesSan­tos withdrew $2000 from an ATM before making 59 online purchases including an airline ticket to Invercargi­ll.

He may not have expected his stay in the Southland city to last three and ahalf years.

When MarquesSan­tos appeared before the Dunedin District Court last month, he was sentenced by Judge Kevin Phillips to that term, to be served at Invercargi­ll Prison.

He had earlier pleaded guilty to four counts of stupefying with intent to commit an imprisonab­le offence and five of using a document for a pecuniary advantage.

The inmate would be deported as soon as he was eligible, the court heard.

With a bill of more than $10,300, there was no chance of the victims or their banks being reimbursed, the judge said.

He ordered MarquesSan­tos to repay $1300 — a sum he said he claimed he had stashed in an account set up in Nelson.

Defence counsel Sarah Saunderson­Warner stressed her client had made frank admissions to police on his arrest.

And she disputed the suggestion the victims were highly vulnerable at the time.

❛ ‘‘It’s not about the app to some extent . . . The facilitati­on of harm is done by the people who may use these tools. It’s a person who’s motivated to cause harm to another person

Netsafe chief technology officer Sean Lyons

‘‘It’s not a situation where you target the drunkest girl in the bar and put a daterape drug in her drink.’’

Judge Phillips was not so sure. ‘‘They invited you into their home, they trust you, they like you, found you a person they wanted to be around . . . and you were sussing them out all the way through,’’ he said.

‘‘If more alcohol could have been consumed, cardiac arrest and death could have followed. This medication with alcohol can cause death, full stop.’’

Netsafe chief technology officer Sean Lyons said ‘‘hookup apps’’ like Grindr and Tinder were ideal vehicles for such scams.

The victims were, on the whole, less likely to tell anyone about the rendezvous beforehand and might not disclose the crime to police due to embarrassm­ent, he said.

But the technology could not be blamed for such incidents.

‘‘It’s not about the app to some extent . . . The facilitati­on of harm is done by the people who may use these tools. It’s a person who’s motivated to cause harm to another person,’’ Mr Lyons told the ODT.

The men who came forward, he said, should be commended for their bravery.

‘‘It’s important for people to hear the story of those victims.’’

Dave said he would now advise others meeting strangers through Grindr to save that person’s profile photo.

After MarquesSan­tos left him blacked out on the sofa, he also blocked him on the app, which meant the victim could not pass on his image to police.

Despite his trust being violated, Dave said there was no residual rage for the man he invited into his home.

He simply wondered why.

‘‘I’ll be processing for a while yet. But it’s by no means present for me on a daily basis at all,’’ he said.

‘‘I’m by nature a compassion­ate and optimistic person and I just find myself going, ‘what a messedup unit’.’’

The court heard MarquesSan­tos had been on hunger strike while behind bars and had been housed in an atrisk unit.

Judge Phillips disregarde­d the issue at sentencing.

* Names of victims have been changed to protect their anonymity.

 ?? PHOTO: ROB KIDD ?? Stupefacti­on . . . Diego MarquesSan­tos (32) drugged five homosexual men and ripped them off for more than $10,000.
PHOTO: ROB KIDD Stupefacti­on . . . Diego MarquesSan­tos (32) drugged five homosexual men and ripped them off for more than $10,000.
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