Otago Daily Times

Time to enforce rules around noisy jetboats


I CONCUR that our councils need to look more carefully at their regulation­s concerning where jetboats can disturb the quietness of our rivers and lakes.

It is not only fishers and hunters that value the quietness, but also walkers and residents who live alongside our waterways.

We live on the shore of Lake Dunstan, and a couple of times a year races are held from Wanaka to Cromwell. We have no issue with the occasional boat race, but would be very upset if these were held more frequently.

The top of Lake Dunstan is designated the Bendigo Wildlife Reserve, and yet we allow noisy boats to roar through, and will shortly also allow hunters with guns to disturb the wildlife that the reserve is meant to protect.

It is certainly time to enforce stricter regulation­s.

Bonnie Miller Perry

Mt Pisa

Teasing Trump

I AM dismayed at the articles, cartoons and opinion pieces which satirise and comment in disrespect­ful taste on the United States President Donald Trump (ODT, 24.4.18).

Jibes and jokes about the man’s hair or facial expression­s and mannerisms have me wondering if those commentato­rs are more concerned with garnishing support from the readers/viewers or listeners to bolster some misguided belief we should all hop on board the unkind barb train.

How many of these criticaste­rs would think it highly offensive to read or hear Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern being the butt of jokes.

In this present age of severe tonguebiti­ng by many of us regarding commenting on issues or people we may disapprove of, it is not unamusing to know a number of us still persist in unfunny attempts at humour, or just plain nastiness. Tony Bradford

Dunedin IN cartoonist Garrick Tremain’s latest attempt to condemn President Donald Trump (ODT, 24.4.18), his qualifying caption belies itself in that both presidents Clinton and Kennedy committed ‘‘and’’ got away with — not a onenight stand as in Trump’s 10yearold case — but with serial adultery.

Tremain’s cartoon on the surface achieves its desired effect in ridiculing Trump; but with knowledge of all facts, my favourite cartoonist appears to be still suffering the effects of what could be called Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome.

May I suggest as a cure he avail himself of some alternativ­e news sources like Town Hall or Spectator

magazine? In the interest of fairness, our paper should require it.

Dave Crooks

St Clair

Great rugby coverage

I WISH to make two points about the new sport supplement­ary in the Monday ODT.

It is a good thing to include coverage of Southland club rugby. Together with South, Central and North Otago, it makes up the Highlander­s franchise, along of course with our Dunedin club rugby.

And I was pleased to see the heading, ‘‘We have the South covered’’.

How refreshing it is to read it without the word ‘‘got’’. Got is used so often when it need not be.

Club rugby followers are delighted to see the team lists printed each Friday for the Saturday games, following on the good work of the late Alistair McMurran.

The ODT is the only paper in the major cities to do this.

Keep up the good work.

Graeme Donaldson

Dunedin ...................................

BIBLE READING: Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. — Romans 12:1.

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