Otago Daily Times

Past 50 days show not all ministers able to handle difficulti­es well

- AUDREY YOUNG A Audrey Young is political editor of The New Zealand Herald.

IN 50 days’ time, give or take a week, when Jacinda Ardern heads off to have her baby, it would give her peace of mind to know that all her ministers were performing competentl­y and the Government had set a steady course, away from dangerous deviations.

After a turbulent March, the events of the past fortnight have restored a sense of composure to the Government — although that has in part been through priceless images from the PM’s travels abroad.

But the past 50 days have shown that she cannot rely on all ministers to handle difficulti­es in their portfolios well, although there have been some pleasant surprises among her appointmen­ts.

A couple of lowranked ministers, Kris Faafoi outside cabinet, and Iain LeesGallow­ay in cabinet, have really shone in their diverse portfolios.

LeesGallow­ay was reasonably well prepared for immigratio­n and workplace relations, having been spokesman for both while in Opposition.

LeesGallow­ay was a clear champion of unions’ agenda in Opposition but has won some respect from employers in the transition to Government, grappling with the 90day trial issue and the Hobbit law.

His big test is yet to come when legislatio­n setting minimum standards across some industries is introduced. But he has given every indication of recognisin­g the importance of handling it well for his Government.

He has also been surefooted on immigratio­n, made fairly fast and fair decisions and, importantl­y, been willing to front to the media on all issues at all times.

Faafoi, too, a former TV reporter, has been active and sound in diverse portfolios for which he did not have preparatio­n in Opposition, Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Civil Defence, and has been highly visible.

Tracey Martin is New Zealand First’s bestperfor­ming minister and showing why Ardern had the confidence to make her Children’s Minister, which, in other circumstan­ces, is the job Ardern herself would have had.

A minister who is likely to come under the close watch of senior colleagues is David Clark. Health is a fraught portfolio at the best of times but it is not clear yet if he has the political skills to handle such a crucial portfolio.

The ‘‘sewage in the walls’’ at Middlemore Hospital seemed like a gift to the new minister from a supposedly negligent previous government.

But it has rebounded on him with both the chief executive and the board chairman disputing what he was told about leaky buildings.

In the grand scheme of things it is a small thing and the cheque has been written for remedial work. But the Government, despite its promises for an average $2 billion extra a year, has exactly the same problem as the last government — there is way more demand for it than funds.

A review of the fundamenta­l structure of the health system is being contemplat­ed, one review that wasn’t promised but may be the most worthwhile.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson and Housing and Transport Minister Phil Twyford have been the exemplars in how to sheet home every problem to the former National government, whether it can be justified or not.

Robertson is Ardern’s closest confidant and most trusted minister. Twyford is the man with a plan for housing and transport, which he is rolling out. He arrived in office with a plan and perhaps was the most prepared of any minister.

They are part of her informal kitchen cabinet along with Chris Hipkins, Megan Woods and Kelvin Davis.

Andrew Little and David Parker are also highly trusted as ministers of sound judgement.

Some ministers have been highly visible for the wrong reasons and created major distractio­ns from the Government’s agenda.

A short sharp crisis with a minister is easier to deal with. It is the ones that linger on for weeks or months that are debilitati­ng and corrosive.

It is difficult to see Clare Curran being anything but a slowmoving target for the Opposition for the term. From her one coffee meeting on December 5 with former broadcaste­r Carol Hirschfeld, the Opposition has made hay with written parliament­ary questions, oral questions, OIAs, select committee hearings, and yesterday’s 27page report into the recall of RNZ chairman Richard Griffin.

When it comes to Shane Jones, part jester, part genius, dealing with the visibility problem is more complex because he is effectivel­y No 2 in the party that put Labour in power.

He behaves with impunity because he has impunity.

He is carving out a role for himself not just to be ‘‘a champion of the regions’’ but to be a ‘‘maverick for the regions’’, hence his go at Air New Zealand for cutting some regional flights and, this week, on ‘‘bantam bureaucrat­s’’ whom he blames for slowing down decisionma­king.

His call to have political appointees running department­s and ministries produced a sharp rebuke from the usually Labourfrie­ndly PSA against Jones and the Government.

Jones’ attack on the bureaucrac­y may be setting up a scapegoat for election year, when many of the projects he is funding with the annual $1 billion provincial growth fund won’t be finished — or possibly even started.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is the only person who can bring Jones into line — though that is not looking likely. Peters seems perpetuall­y entertaine­d by Jones rather than concerned by him.

Peters’ own performanc­e as a minister has been occasional­ly questionab­le but in his duties as Ardern’s Deputy Prime Minister by and large he has been very good.

He has not oversteppe­d his role, and has given her the support and space to become the sort of leader she wants to be. Whether he gives her peace of mind in 50 days is yet to be seen.

 ?? PHOTO: OTAGO DAILY TIMES FILES ?? Jack McPherson (left), of Tuckers Beach, president of the Arrowtown RSA and a veteran of World Wars 1 and 2, shows photograph­s of his army days to Graham Douglas (centre) of Arrowtown, and Bernie Dynes, of Tapanui, on Anzac Day 1978. When the two...
PHOTO: OTAGO DAILY TIMES FILES Jack McPherson (left), of Tuckers Beach, president of the Arrowtown RSA and a veteran of World Wars 1 and 2, shows photograph­s of his army days to Graham Douglas (centre) of Arrowtown, and Bernie Dynes, of Tapanui, on Anzac Day 1978. When the two...

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