Otago Daily Times

ACC’s actions ripe for a government inquiry


IN response to the article ‘‘ACC looking poor to UN ’’ (ODT, 16.4.18), I believe low legal aid is not the biggest issue with ACC. It is true that the cost of reviews and appeals make it very hard for most people to pursue this avenue when ACC stops their entitlemen­ts.

The problems with ACC are the medical assessment­s and reports from ACC’s ‘‘preferred’’ doctors. Some of these ‘‘preferred’’ doctors’ reports are taken as ‘‘gospel’’, even over the reports of specialist doctors.

These ACCapprove­d doctors’ reports are always in favour of ACC and impossible to have removed from your file if they are incorrect.

I believe the way in which ACC has acted over the past government’s reign has been dishonest and think there should be a government­al inquiry into ACC’s actions over the past 10 years.

Too many claimants’ entitlemen­ts have been stopped with dishonest reports. Eric Williams

Dunedin Regional Council suggests the blame for the ‘‘negative publicity’’ falls on Paul Pope’s shoulders.

Paul is doing a sterling job at representi­ng his constituen­ts, being our voice, doing the job he was elected to do.

They have noone to blame but themselves for the negative publicity.

Perhaps if they had consulted the peninsula community about the changes it wouldn’t be the mess it is now. And perhaps they should be taking a leaf out of Paul Pope’s book, and actually listen and act on what the people who elected them want. Kate Dempsey


‘‘BUS service’’ — an oxymoron if ever there was one.

Have I come late to the party? I’ve only just realised that ‘‘ORC’’ also designates the baddies from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How serendipit­ous is that! Pat Duffy


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