Otago Daily Times

Compensati­on, fuel tax of major concern

CluthaSout­hland MP Hamish Walker looks back on six months in office and identifies the issues facing constituen­ts.


IT’S been a busy six months for me, representi­ng the people of CluthaSout­hland and taking on the role of National’s associate spokespers­on for agricultur­e, adding my voice and support to the agricultur­al sector and rural communitie­s across the country.

In this regard, I have a number of concerns regarding recent policy announceme­nts by the new Government which are going to have a severe and detrimenta­l impact on the rural communitie­s in CluthaSout­hland that I represent.

I was disappoint­ed to hear the Government’s plans to increase fuel tax of up to 12c a litre, costing the average motorist $10 to $15 more each time they fill up the tank.

This is a huge blow for our rural communitie­s, especially in keeping our farmers and producers connected to major centres.

In Otago and Southland, we rely on our roads to get milk from our cows and meat from our farms to internatio­nal markets. Without access to public transport, we have no choice but to drive.

We’re being told to accept it — as well as the big decrease in regional highway investment — all to pay for new trams in Auckland.

The biggest issue facing CluthaSout­hland is the longawaite­d decision by the Government to cull cattle infected with the Mycoplasma bovis disease.

This brought some welcome relief to affected farmers but I am continuing to hear from some who are fighting for compensati­on.

The Government has been too slow to compensate farmers and my challenge to the minister is, be fair and fast with future compensati­on claims.

This has been a difficult time for farmers while they have waited for critical decisions to be made about managing and controllin­g this disease. I am also hearing reports from the cattle industry that the Government is forcing them to contribute close to 50% of response costs which are outside of the current government mandate when biosecurit­y incursions occur.

The Government Industry Agreement (GIA) was establishe­d in 2013 and sets out a framework for costsharin­g between the Government and various industry groups as and when biosecurit­y incursions arise.

The costshare for any particular incursion — whether it’s fruit fly or Mycoplasma bovis, was agreed between Government, 16 primary sector organisati­ons and endorsed by farmers and growers around the country in 2013.

It concerns me that at a meeting this week between the minister, Damien O’Connor, and industry, he was pressuring industry to make contributi­ons of up to 50%.

The minister told them projected cost ranges in the industry are: $450 million for a ‘‘phased eradicatio­n’’,

$500 million for ‘‘rapid eradicatio­n’’, $570 million for ‘‘longterm management’’ or $870 million to close out the response.

A few months ago, the cattle industries confirmed initial funding of $11.2 million. They did so without precedence but on the understand­ing the GIA is the current model for costsharin­g.

I’m calling on Damien O’Connor to stand up for our rural communitie­s and fairly fund the Government’s response without passing the buck to farmers.

 ??  ?? Hamish Walker
Hamish Walker

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