Otago Daily Times

PM: royals welcome to visit


AUCKLAND: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says Prince Harry and his new wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex would be ‘‘warmly welcomed’’ if they came to New Zealand later this year, but was mum on the likelihood of the visit happening.

The Daily Mail has reported the couple will visit New Zealand and some Pacific Islands after going to the Invictus Games in Australia in late October.

It is protocol for the Government to hold off on confirming a royal visit until the Palace announces it.

Ms Ardern said there was a standing invitation for any members of the Royal Family to visit, but nothing specific was in place.

‘‘Nothing has been confirmed for New Zealand; it would be speculativ­e at this point. I’m sure if that was a decision made by the royal couple I’m sure they would be warmly welcomed.’’

Asked if there was already a team of officials working on the visit, she said confirmati­on would be needed for planning work for a trip to begin in earnest.

‘‘But we always need to be prepared because we have a standing invitation to members of the Royal Family to visit New Zealand any time they choose.’’

Prince Harry has visited New Zealand before, and proved very popular. His brother, Prince William, has also visited several times, including on Prince George’s first overseas trip. — NZME

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