Otago Daily Times

Protection order issued


A DISTRICT Court judge yesterday issued a protection order against a man who had regularly assaulted his partner over more than three years.

The 37yearold, who lives in the Queenstown Lakes District, was also sentenced to 100 hours’ community work on each of the three charges he faced.

They were a representa­tive charge of assaulting the woman between November 1, 2015 and April 26, 2018; speaking threatenin­gly towards her, between April 1 and April 28 this year; and assaulting her on April 28.

The Otago Daily Times has chosen not to name the man to protect the victim.

Judge Mark Callaghan refused to adjourn the matter for restorativ­e justice to be investigat­ed because it would be another opportunit­y for him to exert ‘‘power and control’’ over the woman.

Prosecutin­g Sergeant Ian Collin said in November 2015 the defendant returned to the couple’s home, intoxicate­d, and became aggressive towards her when he suspected she had been having an affair with their flatmate.

She snuck out of the house through the toilet window and ‘‘hid under the house’’.

He located her about 15 minutes later, escorted her inside, and then struck her about the head with a closed fist a number of times.

She sustained a black eye. In November 2017 he returned to their home, intoxicate­d, and became aggressive towards her when he suspected she was having an affair with a work colleague, striking her three times to the head with a closed fist.

She sustained a black eye and swollen temple.

The victim left the property and attempted to report the incident to police However, the defendant followed her and ‘‘coaxed her back’’ to the address before she could speak to police.

Sgt Collin said on April 13 the woman was with the couple’s children, who were asleep, when he entered the room at 2am, spoke to her and then punched her to the head with a closed fist.

She sustained swelling to the left of her head.

At midnight on April 26 the couple was in a car together when he spoke threatenin­gly towards her, and two days later, on April 28, he struck her twice with a closed fist to the head while she was lying with a toddler — that incident was witnessed by another child.

She was not injured.

When spoken to by police, the man initially denied the allegation­s.

Judge Callaghan said the facts indicated regular assaults, which were ‘‘quite vicious’’, over three years.

‘‘It’s clear that you can’t control your anger and that’s something that needs to be addressed.’’

He issued the protection order to protect the victim and to ensure the man entered a stopping violence programme.

‘‘It is necessary to protect this victim.

‘‘She does not oppose the making of the protection order — in actual fact . . . she has sought one.’’

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