Otago Daily Times

‘Pretty poor show’ on the road by Simon Bridges


I READ with interest Claire Trevett’s commentary on Simon Bridges’ tour of the provinces on which he outlines National’s path back to power (ODT, 2.6.18).

He mentions he is taking a leaf out of Sir Robert Muldoon’s book of political tricks by staging attack adverts on the Labour coalition’s policy on reducing steadily increasing prison numbers and putting more emphasis on rehabilita­tion of prisoners, where possible.

These adverts, apparently, use scare tactics, accusing the new Government of letting out dangerous prisoners into the community and endangerin­g our lives in the process.

The adverts are likened to the ‘‘Dancing Cossacks’’ adverts used by National under Rob Muldoon in 1975, when Labour was accused of being communist for wanting compulsory superannua­tion.

What kind of leadership, by Mr Bridges, is this showing? Harkening back to the use of dirty politics to gain political advantage is absolutely reprehensi­ble.

Never mind having a rational discussion of the issues when you can play into the politics of fear and loathing like what we are seeing in the United States.

Mr Bridges shows no vision. His low poll ratings are evidence of this and his ‘‘getting to know me’’ provincial tours may appeal to the bigots out there, but not to the wider population who should expect more from their leaders.

If this is what he is showing about himself and his leadership, I say it is a pretty poor show. Peter Attwooll


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