Otago Daily Times

Hotteok (brown sugar pancakes)


Often bought from street stalls or carts in Korea, these make a warming winter dessert. They are a simple treat but oozing with brown sugar syrup goodness.

Serves 4

Preparatio­n 15 minutes Standing 1 hour Cooking 10 minutes


150ml milk, heated to lukewarm



tsp salt


3g dried active yeast

2 tsp granulated sugar

125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 33g sweet rice flour

45g soft brown sugar

1 Tbsp toasted walnuts, roughly chopped 1 Tbsp vegetable oil


Mix the yeast, 2 teaspoons of the granulated sugar and the milk together in a small bowl and leave it to stand for 10 minutes. In another bowl, mix the flours and salt together. Add this to the yeast mixture and mix to a dough. Cover and leave to stand for 1 hour.

Mix the brown sugar and walnuts together. Turn the dough out on to a floured surface and divide into 4 pieces. Shape each piece into 10cm rounds.

Place 1 tablespoon of the sugary walnuts in the centre. Bring the edges up and over enclosing the filling and seal edges. Reshape into a flat disc.

Heat the oil in a castiron pan over a medium heat. Cook for about 58 minutes until golden brown on each side.


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