Otago Daily Times

A whale of a reason to postpone fireworks


WELLINGTON: The Matariki fireworks display planned for Wellington tonight has been postponed until next weekend due to the presence of a southern right whale in the harbour.

The Wellington City Council made the announceme­nt yesterday afternoon.

‘‘The advice we’ve received is that the noise from the fireworks is unlikely to cause harm to the whale but that it could cause it to act unpredicta­bly if it is in the vicinity,’’ Acting Mayor Jill Day said.

‘‘We don’t want anyone in boats or kayaks on the water, in the dark, to come off secondbest if the whale breaches among them.

‘‘Hopefully, by next weekend the whale will have departed the inner harbour and headed to Petone or Eastbourne or out into Te MoanaoRauk­awa [Cook Strait].’’

Ms Day said there had been strong iwi and public support in favour of postponing the display.

‘‘Wellington­ians have fallen in love with this whale — this taonga — and they’ve been telling us they don’t want anything untoward to happen to it,’’ she said.

‘‘The whale’s presence is a true blessing for Matariki.’’

People RNZ spoke to were firmly in support of postponing the event if the whale was still in the harbour come today.

‘‘I’d rather see whales than fireworks any day of the week,’’ one man said.

‘‘I think they should definitely, even if they’re not entirely sure if he’s there. It would be much nicer to think he wasn’t going to be disturbed,’’ a woman said.

‘‘If the whale is still here I’d cancel it — protecting the wildlife is more important,’’ another man said.

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