Otago Daily Times

Jewel thief admits to rooftop raid in Chch


CHRISTCHUR­CH: A sneaky rooftop raider has admitted a $280,000 jewel heist but mystery surrounds $100,000 of lost loot.

Craig Murray Shaw (43) crept on to the roof of The Tannery, a shopping complex in the Christchur­ch suburb of Woolston, on the night of Saturday, November 25 last year.

Shaw slipped inside through a rooftop skylight and smashed his way into La Bu jewellery shop, which specialise­s in Turkish and Middle Eastern unique handmade sterling silver and semiprecio­us stone jewellery.

Police said about 2700 items were stolen, valued at $280,000.

Detectives soon suspected Shaw but it took months to track him down.

An anonymous tipoff led them to a property where Shaw was staying on January 21.

During a search of the address, police say they found ‘‘physical evidence linking [Shaw] directly to this offence’’, according to a summary of facts at Christchur­ch District Court yesterday.

But only 1700 pieces of stolen jewellery, valued at $176,000, were recovered.

Shaw admitted one charge of burglary.

Judge Tony Couch remanded him in custody to be sentenced on October 18.

Police are seeking an order from the court for $104,000 in reparation to be paid to La Bu for the unrecovere­d stolen property, and another $2000 to The Tannery for damage caused during the breakin. — NZME

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