Otago Daily Times

The signatorie­s


The 8000+ Otago/Southland signatorie­s of the 1893 Suffrage Petition included. —

Bridget Morrissey, Cashel St. Married in Australia at age 16, moved to Dunedin with her husband, lost two children to scarlet fever in 1876. Signed alongside her next door neighbour Mrs Mulrooney.

Margaret Darlison, Leith St. Mother of nine, she kept house in Dunedin while husband Charles worked as a miner on the West Coast.

Grace Fruhstuch, Melbourne St. Wife of Dusenius Fruhstuch, a Dane and gardener of Caversham mayor T K Sidey.

Susannah Martinelli, George St. Widow of umbrella maker Andrew Martinelli, the third husband she outlived. She kept the business going after his death the previous year.

Jane Louttet, Melville St. An Irish widow who migrated to New Zealand with her five children. Moved to Palmerston with her second husband, but moved back to Dunedin after they separated. Daughters Martha and Margaret also signed.

Ada Shacklock, South Dunedin. Wife of John Shacklock, whose father establishe­d the Shacklock coal range firm. John went on to become mayor of South Dunedin, and of Dunedin in 1914.

Ettie Coupar, London St. A keen suffragist, she signed the petition at least three times, as Ettie and as Margaretta, her full name.

Euphemia Given, Castle St. Signed alongside her sister Patience. Married draper Maxwell Fyfe in 1897 — his wife and child had died in a shipwreck three years earlier.

Mary Bischiskie, Filleul St. Arrived in

New Zealand on the Palmerston in 1872, married fellow Palmerston Polish migrant Julius after his wife died a year later. Three children were killed in a house fire in 1882, and a brewery they founded in Gore was also destroyed by fire.

Isabella McLandress, Duncan St. Daughter of a bootmaker, she won a scholarshi­p which afforded her the rare chance of obtaining a BA, and then an MA in Chemistry in 1890 — despite her father declaring bankruptcy. Had a long career as a teacher.

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