Otago Daily Times

Previous govt was more ‘fiscally inept’


THE assertion by Greg Glendining (ODT, 13.8.18) this Government is the most fiscally inept since MMP was introduced is, I think, erroneous.

During the nineyear term of the previous government, they failed to recognise we had a looming housing crisis and take appropriat­e action.

The expectatio­n that the market will provide has been a dismal failure. Chronic underfundi­ng ran down critical infrastruc­ture such as hospitals and their services.

Also, under National’s watch, people were unnecessar­ily evicted from their homes with catastroph­ic consequenc­es for many. The meth debacle was much more likely to happen with a government that had punitive attitudes to those needing assistance with income and housing.

Recently Simon Bridges also exposed his lack of compassion when he said we had to get tough on beggars.

Those living in their bubble of privilege are unlikely to understand that large social inequaliti­es cost us all. It is easier to blame people for the circumstan­ces they end up in, but of course that achieves nothing.

Thankfully we now have a Government with a heart. I also think they are very mindful of the huge responsibi­lity they have with regard to steering our country in a fiscally responsibl­e manner. Lou Scott


Longer waiting lists?

BEFORE locals start dreaming rosy dreams about Dunedin’s new hospital, if it takes after the United Kingdom’s hospital rebuild model, it will cater for private, feepaying patients, as well as hopeful locals.

Waiting lists for nonlifethr­eatening ops, already lengthy, will get even longer.

I’ve been waiting nearly 10 years for kneereplac­ement surgery, so I’m not holding my breath. I. Williams

Dunedin ...................................

BIBLE READING: I tell you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of

Salvation. — 2 Corinthian­s 6:2.

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