Otago Daily Times

Salt’s roast tomato soup with feta cream


Makes 6 portions a large heavybased pot roasting tray a stick blender or food processor with blitzing blade

500g canned chopped tomatoes

8 fresh tomatoes, washed and cut into quarters

4 white onions, peeled and finely diced 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced

2 sticks celery, washed and peeled and finely sliced

6 cloves garlic, crushed and cut into halves 1 Tbsp dried oregano

2 tsp dried thyme

3 tsp light brown sugar

750ml water

30ml balsamic vinegar

20ml white vinegar

150ml white wine

120ml olive oil

100g caster or raw sugar

Feta cream

250g Danish White Feta

50ml canola oil

35ml olive oil pinch of cracked black pepper 30g parsley washed and chopped


Prepare the vegetables while heating the oven to 180degC. Have all the wet and dry ingredient­s measured out for easy use.

On a roasting tray, place the fresh tomatoes with the dry ingredient­s and mix well to coat the tomato. Lightly season and use 40ml of olive oil to coat.

Cook for 10 minutes until soft and coloured.

While the tomato is roasting, heat a large pan and add a splash of canola or vegetable oil (this will stop the olive oil from smoking when you add it later) then add the prepared vegetables, apart from the tomato and chopped tomato.

Sweat in the pot until soft and lightly coloured (roughly 10 minutes on a medium heat).

Now add in the roasted tomato and the olive oil. Stir well to mix in then deglaze the pot with the white wine.

Add the remaining wet ingredient­s, sugar and chopped tomato.

Bring to the boil and allow to simmer gently for 1520 minutes. Remove from heat and allowing to cool slightly before blitzing.

Once completely smooth and blended, season to taste with salt and pepper, before adding: 20ml olive oil, 10ml balsamic vinegar, 20g caster or raw sugar and juice of half a lemon or 20ml squeezed lemon juice.

Blitz again to mix and finish.

Note: The soup is vegan at this point if

served without the feta cream garnish.

Feta cream

Blitz ingredient­s until smooth. If too thick, add a further 2030ml of canola oil.

Recipe provided by Salt, Dunedin. Recipe requested by Diane Campbell, Dunedin.


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