Otago Daily Times

The present incentive structure for teachers is discouragi­ng

Good teachers are like gold. So they should be remunerate­d accordingl­y and encouraged to stay in the classroom, writes Peter Lyons.

- Peter Lyons teaches economics at Saint Peter’s College in Epsom and has written several economics texts.

AS the tired, acrimoniou­s dance of teacher pay negotiatio­ns plays out it may be worth revisiting some embedded views.

One is that it is not possible to measure teacher performanc­e. I disagree. I have always felt it is broadly possible to categorise the classroom performanc­e of individual teachers as either outstandin­g, good, adequate or inadequate.

The real issues are determinin­g what to measure and how to measure it and who measures it. The key constraint is the time and effort required to obtain reasonably objective data and observatio­ns about individual teacher performanc­e.

In the prehistori­c days there were school inspectors whose job was to observe individual teachers and pass judgement on their suitabilit­y for advancemen­t. They also had a more subtle role of sharing best practice and giving profession­al guidance. This was abolished decades ago. The task of teacher appraisal was then thrown on schools. The Education Review Office (ERO) judges the overall school performanc­e not individual teachers — a losing battle for those schools which struggle to attract good teachers.

But the current incentive structure for individual teachers is sad. For a start, there is little extra time or remunerati­on given to a supervisor­y teacher to collect objective data. If a teacher is inadequate in their performanc­e then a derogatory appraisal leads to a disaffecte­d sullen staff member. If a teacher is outstandin­g in their role there is no immediate return. Just a pat on the back and the likelihood of larger classes and more responsibi­lity next year.

Performanc­e pay has been a toxic subject for teachers because it has been so poorly discussed. There is a fear it will destroy cooperatio­n and lead to a loss of collegiali­ty, which is vital to the job. Yet it need not be so. There is also a justifiabl­e concern about the objectivit­y of school management in appraising teachers. An inadequate teacher who is a top netball or rugby coach may trump an outstandin­g geography teacher. It needs to be clearly defined what is to be measured in teaching. So the current system limps along in a very substandar­d fashion. Great teachers are either promoted out of the classroom or often leave when they are at their most productive. Shoddily conceived initiative­s such as ‘‘Communitie­s of Learning’’ are used by principals to reward their selected favourites in a de facto system of merit pay.

The unions, particular­ly under a leftish government, attempt to flex their muscle and regain lost ground in pay and conditions. They are losing the battle and public goodwill along the way. New thinking is needed. Or at least the revisiting of old ideas.

Many teachers are at the top of the pay scale. The introducti­on of a significan­t pay increment for ‘‘expert teachers’’ could be a solution. Teachers who feel they qualify could apply for external appraisal to become an expert teacher.

This is not a new idea. It has been floated several times before. They would be appraised over a period by an outside party. The appraisers could eventually be other expert teachers. The title of expert teacher would attract significan­t extra remunerati­on and profession­al status. It would also be limited in tenure.

Such a career path would also remove the necessity of excellent teachers having to move into management to gain significan­t pay increases. It would also remove some of the risks of nepotism and favouritis­m in the current system of internal teacher appraisals. Expert teachers could also be seconded to schools that are struggling to perform. This approach has been used very effectivel­y in parts of Canada.

At present, poorly performing schools attract a negative ERO report, which compounds their woes. There are few mechanisms for remedial assistance. Having access to top teachers who are paid for their expertise would be a winwin. Expert teachers could also be freed up to provide mentoring roles in their own schools.

Teacher appraisal can never be an exact science. But the current system of teacher appraisal is time consuming for all involved with little tangible outcome except the risk of acrimoniou­s disagreeme­nt. It is neither particular­ly objective nor empowering. At a national level the periodic outbreaks of industrial disputes just serve to erode public goodwill and teacher status. Poor teachers who fail to improve need to be encouraged to leave the job. Good teachers need to be encouraged to stay in the classroom and be remunerate­d accordingl­y.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Leading from the front . . . Teacher appraisal can never be an exact science.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Leading from the front . . . Teacher appraisal can never be an exact science.

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