Otago Daily Times

Fake ambulance driver (16) faces 120 charges


MELBOURNE: A teenage boy who allegedly posed as an emergency worker as he drove around Melbourne in a mockedup ambulance may avoid a criminal conviction.

The 16yearold, who is facing 120 charges, is accused of adding flashing lights and a siren to a white truck before he tore along some of the city’s busiest roads.

It was reported the teenager responded to several traffic accidents in the kittedout truck, offering firstaid assistance.

The boy allegedly committed the crime spree between Febru ary and October 2017 and the charges include posing as an emergency vehicle driver as he sped through the busy Burnley Tunnel in Richmond.

He is also accused of committing insurance fraud by making false claims and using the money to pay rent on an office suite that he leased.

The boy, who can not be named for legal reasons, faced a Melbourne children’s court yesterday alongside his mother.

His lawyer said negotiatio­ns were progressin­g and the case may be resolved with a diversion programme, meaning the boy would avoid a conviction.

‘‘It’s on the cards,’’ the boy’s lawyer said.

‘‘The parties seek further time to negotiate the 120 charges. There is a lot of doubleup.’’

The magistrate asked about what the boy had been up to.

‘‘He’s been working. He’s actually recently been promoted,’’ the lawyer said, without giving details of the job.

‘‘So just keep working. Stay out of trouble,’’ the magistrate replied, before the case was adjourned. — AAP

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