Otago Daily Times

Embracing the arts key to better future for the world


have a vision for the future that does not mean repeating failures of the past.

I have a vision that we will live in a world where people possess the ability to reflect and critique the world around them; where we are able to express our individual­ity and diversity with confidence and are able to respect others for theirs; where we strive to immerse ourselves in a life rich with creativity and connectedn­ess to those around us.

There is a solution to this. It is deceptivel­y simple. It is the arts.

I want to start by asking you a question: what does a 5yearold need to thrive?

You are probably thinking about things like unconditio­nal love and support, a sense of belonging, food and shelter, education, freedom.

Is it a coincidenc­e that some of the very first things we teach children are things like colouringi­n, dancing and singing?

And is it any coincidenc­e that the life of a 5yearold is filled with joy, love and a desire to learn?

With that in mind, I want to ask you another question: what does a 50yearold need to thrive?

Are you still thinking about things like unconditio­nal love and support, a sense of belonging, food and shelter, education, freedom (not entirely)?

Things like financial stability, a secure job and the mortgage being paid off also spring to mind.

And to be fair, children do not have such worries, but is it a coincidenc­e that 50yearolds dance and sing less, are less capable of innovative ideas and in general are less happy than a 5yearold?

Is it a coincidenc­e that in New Zealand the secondhigh­est age group for suicide is 4550 yearolds? And with male suicides nearly tripling that of the female population? What went wrong?

What have we replaced our artistic expression with that has resulted in a society that is lacking in joy and inspiratio­n?

The answer to this epidemic lies in education.

Our preconceiv­ed idea about intelligen­ce has led to an education system that values knowledge over creativity and which is ruled by a scheme of testing and conformity that has stifled the creative impulse in our society.

Our current education system is failing us, plain and simple.

Is it fair that we push our students into academic careers when what the world needs is creative solutions to our most pressing crises?

It’s not about teaching the arts, it’s about teaching through the arts.

Let me elaborate on this. What I propose is to incorporat­e the arts into all aspects of learning.

For example, take any subject you like, perhaps maths.

Now imagine being in a class where you are not only taught complex algebra and how to extrapolat­e data, but in a way in which the content is presented through the principles of the arts.

Imagine being able to look at an equation and marvel at the complexity of the algorithms and patterns and then see how these relate to aspects of biology in nature and physics in the universe.

Creating these connection­s between subjects through the principles of the arts allows for more stimulatin­g material that engages students in their learning.

The arts will also allow us to confront some of our greatest fears.

The fear of the ineffable: life and death.

Art is arguably the most human of human endeavours, and it’s only through art that we can come close to making sense of the world around us; why we are here, and why we exist when in reality there is no meaningful answer.

We possess the gift of virtuosity which allows us to enjoy the simple things in life as well as finding beauty in the complexity and obscurity of our universe.

I imagine a future where we all call ourselves artists.

It’s time to move forward into a new generation of thinking.

The mathematic­ians and scientists have had their time, but now it is up to us to make the change.

This is your life. Find the time to dance.

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