Otago Daily Times

Councils disconnect­ing with public


OPEN democracy has taken a blow at the Dunedin City Council. The mayor and councillor­s continue to learn about and discuss many important matters in workshops with the media and public excluded.

They avoid the provisions of the Local Government Official Informatio­n and Meetings Act by deeming the workshops informal and not classifyin­g them as meetings. Technicall­y, they might be correct. But what they are doing — and the scale with which they are doing it — is in clear breach of the purpose and spirit of the Act. They are shutting down the chance for public understand­ing of many issues and where councillor­s stand on these.

Inevitably, as Cr Lee Vandervis said, some can become a ‘‘muzzling exercise’’. He backs some of the workshops but said many are used to stifle debate and a lot of decisions are precarious­ly close to being made ‘‘or certainly coming to consensus, as Mayor Cull likes to say’’.

Dave Cull, meanwhile, has said councillor­s are presented with such a large amount of complex informatio­n it is impractica­l to try to absorb all of it during one council meeting. He was not in favour of publicisin­g the workshops or making them public because councillor­s could ask ‘‘stupid questions’’ and explore options which otherwise might not be viable. Councillor­s in public might hesitate or hold back with their views and questions.

These, however, are very reasons most of these meetings should be in public.

It is the socalled ‘‘stupid questions’’ that ordinary people and the public themselves ask and for which they want ans wers. Councillor­s in touch with common understand­ings and attitudes have performed valuable service over the years asking ‘‘stupid questions’’, the ones ‘‘superior’’ councillor­s might have been afraid to bring forward.

Crucially, open council debate gives the public the chance to know how their councillor­s think, how they contribute and where they are coming from. Even if few of the public attend, there is at least that opportunit­y.

Councillor­s should have the courage of their conviction­s so that their views, even as they are being formed, are available. If they are not prepared to say certain things in public they should not be doing so in private.

This desire for ‘‘consensus’’ and unity can be unhelpful. Councillor­s come from different background­s and have different agendas. Difference­s are fundamenta­l to democracy and the politics of local government. Disagreeme­nts, while perhaps upsetting some equilibriu­m, are healthy.

Although councillor­s need to be civil with each other, vigorous debate prompts interest and involvemen­t. Instead, a bland council agreeing on most matters alienates many voters. Unless they also agree with the council party line or ‘‘consensus’’ — be it on cycleways, the Mosgiel pool or whatever — they feel the council lacks an acknowledg­ement of their perspectiv­e. The fact councillor­s do not properly debate their views can make them feel they are ignored.

The list of subjects covered by workshops is central to everything the council does, emphasisin­g their antidemocr­atic and secret role. There has been the likes of the longterm plan, freedom camping, urban water quality strategy, parking, LED lighting, Cen tral City Cycle Network, Mosgiel pool and the annual plan, urban design and heritage. The list goes on.

It is fair enough on some complex matters to provide background informatio­n, although that is what staff papers are for. But, as one local government specialist said, secrecy is bad for local democracy. It lessens public scrutiny and it exacerbate­s the disconnect between councils and the public.

There are several new councillor­s on the Dunedin City Council, and, disturbing­ly, they have been taught to believe this more ‘‘comfortabl­e’’ way is how the council should be run.

On the surface, burying most debate and discussion in workshops can give the appearance of a council running smoothly. But in the community disconnect and discontent simmers.

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