Otago Daily Times

Labour’s new houses unaffordab­le for many

- Chris Trotter is a political commentato­r.

KIWIBUILD, Labour’s flagship housing policy promising firsthomeb­uyers 100,000 affordable dwellings by 2028, is a dog. It started out as a political fix and has yet to mature into coherent policy.

Nowhere are Labour’s ambitions for KiwiBuild matched by the resources needed to fulfil them.

Worst of all, the people most in need of 100,000 extra dwellings — beneficiar­ies and the working poor — are not the scheme’s targets. KiwiBuild is a perverse mixture of corporate and middleclas­s welfare, offering a handsome subsidy to builders and a generous handup to young profession­als.

KiwiBuild began its life as David Shearer’s answer to David Cunliffe. In November of 2012, convinced that the Labour Left was plotting to replace him, Shearer was casting about desperatel­y for a political circuitbre­aker.

He needed something that would halt the ambitious Cunliffe in his tracks and reassure the party’s rankandfil­e he was a Labour man throughand­through. KiwiBuild was that something. His announceme­nt that the next Labour government would build 100,000 affordable homes for young New Zealanders brought Labour’s 2012 annual conference to its feet. In the warm glow of the membership’s support, an emboldened Shearer banished Cunliffe to the backbenche­s.

Having served its purpose, KiwiBuild was filed and forgotten.

The necessary detailed developmen­t work on how it would be implemente­d, by whom, and at what cost, never progressed much beyond the hurried sketch vouchsafed to conference delegates and the news media six years ago. The consequenc­es of Labour’s failure to fill in the gaps are now embarrassi­ngly clear.

A Labour Party with stronger connection­s to the world beyond Parliament would have identified much sooner the practical limitation­s of KiwiBuild. The people and the products required to build 10,000 dwellings every year for 10 years simply aren’t out there. New Zealand’s constructi­on industry remains chronicall­y short of labour. The private sector will struggle to meet its own deadlines let alone the Government’s.

Unlike the First Labour Government, Jacinda Ardern’s coalition is attempting to build thousands of additional new dwellings with a constructi­on industry at full stretch.

John A. (Jack) Lee, the man who oversaw Labour’s massive statehouse building programme between 193538, could summon thousands of unemployed carpenters, tilers, plumbers, electricia­ns and other constructi­on workers to the cause of housing the people. Idle factories could be reactivate­d to supply the required building materials. This is what made ‘‘the houses that Jack built’’ possible.

The absence of such vital enabling factors explains the houses Phil Twyford cannot build in 2018.

Six years ago, when KiwiBuild was born, the full extent of the housing crisis had yet to emerge. Back then, affordabil­ity was the issue. The near impossibil­ity of young profession­als getting their feet on the first rungs of the housing ladder.

Fortuitous­ly, these same young profession­als just happened to be the Shearerled Labour Party’s prime electoral targets. First and foremost, KiwiBuild was a political ‘‘solution’’ to a middleclas­s ‘‘problem’’.

Six years on, and the focus has shifted to beneficiar­ies and the workingpoo­r sleeping in their cars or shivering in the overcrowde­d garages of family and friends. Voters for Jacinda’s transforma­tional ‘‘politics of kindness’’ they may be, but they’ve not been deemed worthy of 10,000 houses per year. For these, the workingcla­ss people in whose name Jack Lee built the ‘‘social housing’’ of 80 years ago, 6000 new state houses, in total, is considered adequate.

The irony is that, at an estimated price of $650,000, KiwiBuild’s ‘‘affordable homes’’ are rapidly moving beyond the reach of all but the luckiest of middleclas­s offspring. Those to whom the Bank of Mum and Dad still happily provides a deposit. Those for whom the wills of Mum and Dad hold out the prospect of eventual relief.

Undeterred, the Housing Minister presses on. Treasury may have revised downwards its projection of the scheme’s contributi­on to residentia­l investment — but what do those ‘‘kids’’ know? Twyford is willing to buy Labour’s promised houses straight off the property developers’ plans.

At a stroke, bad financial bets are transforme­d into sure things. Phil’s happy. The developers are happy. The banks are happy. And the winners of KiwiBuild ballots are over the moon.

About the only people who aren’t happy are those who believe publicly funded social interventi­ons on the scale of KiwiBuild should be directed first to those most in need.

Tragically, however, the Coalition Government is selling the poor a pup.

❛ The irony is that, at an estimated price of $650,000,

KiwiBuild’s ‘‘affordable homes" are rapidly moving beyond the reach of all but the luckiest of middleclas­s offspring. Those to whom the Bank of Mum and Dad still happily provides a deposit.


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